Broccolini is now added to my fave to eat and grow in the garden. They are easy to grow and fa
Broccolini is now added to my fave to eat and grow in the garden. They are easy to grow and fast maturing. It tastes just like broccoli. I plated it in mid-September and harvested it yesterday, November 19, so it took about 60-70 days from transplant to harvest. I fertilized every 2-3 times with all-purpose fertilizer and worm castings and keep the soil moist. How to harvest: Make sure the flowers are close and still tight together. You can cut each of the stems above the leave sets with a sharp knife or pruner. After cutting, place them in a bowl of water to help keep them fresh longer. After cutting the top floret, the plant will focus on producing side shoots, and there will be more florets coming your way. #gardening #broccolini #harvesting #brassica #growingyourownfood #freshfromthegarden #theloveforgardening
Видео Broccolini is now added to my fave to eat and grow in the garden. They are easy to grow and fa канала theloveforgardening
Видео Broccolini is now added to my fave to eat and grow in the garden. They are easy to grow and fa канала theloveforgardening
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22 апреля 2024 г. 4:00:24
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