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Slovak National Anthem lyrics [SK-EN]

Listen and watch the words of the Slovak national anthem in Slovak and English. Slová hymny Slovenskej republiky v SJ a AJ

Nad Tatrou sa blýska (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈnat tatrow sa ˈbliːska]; English: Lightning over the Tatras) is the national anthem of Slovakia. The origins of the anthem are in the Central European activism of the 19th century. Its main themes are a storm over the Tatra mountains that symbolized danger to the Slovaks, and a desire for a resolution of the threat. It used to be particularly popular during the 1848–1849 insurgencies.

The Slovak hymn is the first two stanzas of the song Nad Tatrou sa blýska by Janko Matúška written in 1844. He wrote the lyrics during a protest march of Štúr’s supporters from Bratislava.

Štátnu hymnu tvoria prvé dve slohy piesne Janka Matúšku "Nad Tatrou sa blýska" z roku 1844. Text napísal pri protestnom odchode štúrovcov z Bratislavy.

Nad Tatrou sa blýska,
There is lightning over the Tatras,
hromy divo bijú
thunders beating loudly
Zastavme ich, bratia
Let us stop them, brothers
Veď sa ony stratia
And they will disapear
Slováci ožijú
To Slovensko naše
That Slovakia of ours
Posiaľ tvrdo spalo
Has been sleeping deeply
Ale blesky hromu
But the thunder's lightning
Vzbudzujú ho k tomu
Is driving it
Aby sa prebralo
To come round
(The anthem is the first two stanzas of the song, here is the rest...)
Už Slovensko vstáv
Slovakia is already rising
Putá si strháva
Tearing off Her shackles
Hej, rodina milá
Hey, dear family
Hodina odbila
The hour has struck
Žije matka Sláva
Mother Glory is alive
Ešte jedle rastú
Firs are still growing
Na krivánskej strane
On the slopes of Kriváň
Kto jak Slovák cíti
Who feels to be a Slovak
Nech sa šable chytí
Let him take a sabre
A medzi nás stane
And stand among us


Видео Slovak National Anthem lyrics [SK-EN] канала Henrich Hipca
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6 февраля 2017 г. 2:51:04