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#小九趣事 #XiaojiuFun #ChineseFood

Видео 在家閑著沒事幹,看看媳婦做啥好吃的,孩子們吃得津津有味 канала 小九趣事 Xiaojiu Fun
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4 февраля 2020 г. 18:49:48
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媳婦做一盤拔絲芋頭,婆婆說糖放太多太甜,但孩子喜歡媳婦做一盤拔絲芋頭,婆婆說糖放太多太甜,但孩子喜歡伯母做的年糕真好,媳婦切一塊拿來煎,光看色澤就讓人胃口大開 | Fried rice cake,  just to see the color let people appetite伯母做的年糕真好,媳婦切一塊拿來煎,光看色澤就讓人胃口大開 | Fried rice cake, just to see the color let people appetite過年在家陪孩子玩,看看媳婦準備啥好吃的,孩子們好開心 | Grilled sausages. The kids are so happy過年在家陪孩子玩,看看媳婦準備啥好吃的,孩子們好開心 | Grilled sausages. The kids are so happy家裡孩子多,看看媳婦準備啥好吃的,好熱鬧 | Home children more, do pumpkin steamed bread to eat, good lively家裡孩子多,看看媳婦準備啥好吃的,好熱鬧 | Home children more, do pumpkin steamed bread to eat, good lively過年不走親戚,媳婦在家做手抓餅,孩子們吃得津津有味 | Do shredded cake, the children eat with relish過年不走親戚,媳婦在家做手抓餅,孩子們吃得津津有味 | Do shredded cake, the children eat with relish婆婆和鄰居做啥好吃的,農村這種難得的美食,很多人都沒吃過 | What delicious, rural this rare food, many people have not eaten婆婆和鄰居做啥好吃的,農村這種難得的美食,很多人都沒吃過 | What delicious, rural this rare food, many people have not eaten媳婦廚藝有進步,一盤鹵雞腿,孩子們吃得好開心 | Marinated chicken leg. The children enjoyed it very much媳婦廚藝有進步,一盤鹵雞腿,孩子們吃得好開心 | Marinated chicken leg. The children enjoyed it very much媳婦煮4包螺螄粉,上桌直接用盆吃,孩子直呼媽媽飯量好大 | Snail powder, one bowl per person, too fragrant媳婦煮4包螺螄粉,上桌直接用盆吃,孩子直呼媽媽飯量好大 | Snail powder, one bowl per person, too fragrant猪板油一斤17元,媳婦買一袋炸一鍋油,就為炒青菜能更好吃 | Boil lard. It smells good猪板油一斤17元,媳婦買一袋炸一鍋油,就為炒青菜能更好吃 | Boil lard. It smells good坐月子第9天,婆婆做的月子餐黃豆排骨湯,忍不住多吃了幾口坐月子第9天,婆婆做的月子餐黃豆排骨湯,忍不住多吃了幾口農村寶寶過生日,一個蛋糕就滿足,簡單的飯菜,孩子開心最重要 | Baby birthday, a cake is satisfied, happy is the most important農村寶寶過生日,一個蛋糕就滿足,簡單的飯菜,孩子開心最重要 | Baby birthday, a cake is satisfied, happy is the most important去縣城吃大餐,花了240元,媳婦减肥沒希望了 | Go to a big dinner, spend 240 yuan, lose weight hopeless去縣城吃大餐,花了240元,媳婦减肥沒希望了 | Go to a big dinner, spend 240 yuan, lose weight hopeless1條絲瓜,4個雞蛋,媳婦做一道家常菜,味道很好 | Scrambled egg with loofah. It's delicious1條絲瓜,4個雞蛋,媳婦做一道家常菜,味道很好 | Scrambled egg with loofah. It's delicious媳婦買個鳳梨,學人家做鳳梨炒飯,婆婆說很好吃 | Buy a pineapple and learn to cook pineapple fried rice媳婦買個鳳梨,學人家做鳳梨炒飯,婆婆說很好吃 | Buy a pineapple and learn to cook pineapple fried rice媳婦說,有孩子回一趟娘家不容易,帶回來的草粿真好吃媳婦說,有孩子回一趟娘家不容易,帶回來的草粿真好吃下雨天,媳婦簡單做個葱油面,3個孩子吃得好香 | Make onion oil noodles, three children eat very fragrant下雨天,媳婦簡單做個葱油面,3個孩子吃得好香 | Make onion oil noodles, three children eat very fragrant農村孩子過生日,看看準備了啥好吃的,一桌滿滿都是硬菜 | Children's birthday, see what prepared, a table full of delicious農村孩子過生日,看看準備了啥好吃的,一桌滿滿都是硬菜 | Children's birthday, see what prepared, a table full of delicious農忙了,媳婦在家帶孩子煮飯,2菜1湯,看起來還可以 | Garlic moss Fried meat, looks delicious農忙了,媳婦在家帶孩子煮飯,2菜1湯,看起來還可以 | Garlic moss Fried meat, looks delicious菜園的白菜好新鮮,媳婦摘回去炒一盤,看起來好有食欲 | Fresh Chinese cabbage, do Chinese cabbage fry meat, delicious菜園的白菜好新鮮,媳婦摘回去炒一盤,看起來好有食欲 | Fresh Chinese cabbage, do Chinese cabbage fry meat, delicious伯母不在家,枇杷成熟了都沒人摘,媳婦帶孩子摘了滿滿1籃 | Loquat mature, take the children to pick, taste is still good伯母不在家,枇杷成熟了都沒人摘,媳婦帶孩子摘了滿滿1籃 | Loquat mature, take the children to pick, taste is still good