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57 | Respiraţia conştientă, cu Maestrul „Rebirther” Dan Brulé | Design Perfect, spiritualitate

57 | Respiraţia conştientă, cu Maestrul „Rebirther” Dan Brulé | Design Perfect, spiritualitate aplicata

In prezent, peste 100,000 de oameni, din mai mult de 50 de tari, practica respiratia constienta transmisa de Dan Brulé.

Este cel mai important expert din lume în controlul respirației și renumit inovator în acest domeniu, precum și unul dintre liderii mișcării spirituale mondiale. Se numără printre inițiatorii terapiei prin respirație și este unul dintre primii specialiști în Rebirthing certificați la nivel internațional.

Cartea sa, „Just Breath”, a fost lansata de curand si in Romania, de Editura For You, sub denumirea „Respira pur si simplu”.

“This is a timely and essential book for our challenged world. Dan Brulé is a true master and deeply inspiring. ‘Just Breathe’ is free medicine that will not only bring you optimal health, but also expand your consciousness.” (Mark Divine, retired navy seal, founder/ceo Sealfit, and New York Times bestselling author of The Way of the Seal and Unbeatable Mind)

“Excellent content and presentation. I will be very happy when more of my students and associates contribute as much as Dan has to the enlightenment and evolution of humanity through breathwork.” (Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirth International)

" Dan Brulé is one of the world’s great breathwork masters of our time. He weaves together breathing physiology, psychology, and spirituality in uniquely practical ways that most anyone can learn for improving health and performance. His writing style is crisp, clear, personal, easy to read, and even exciting. His book is a “must read” not only for breathworkers, healthcare practitioners, and yoga-meditation fans but also for virtually anyone who suspects that breathing might just be something important in their lives!" (Peter M. Litchfield, Ph.D., President of the Graduate School of Behavioral Health Sciences)

“Breath is the ultimate key to your well-being, and if done right, it has the power to transform your entire life—physical, mental, and spiritual. ‘Just Breathe’ is the definitive breathwork handbook, and Dan Brulé is the master to show you how…I love his coaching and it’s made a huge impact in my life.” (Tony Robbins, bestselling author and life coach)

„Respirația este focul inimii – inima dragostei. Respirația spirituală este cel mai rapid mod de a-ți limpezi mintea, a-ți regla stomacul, a-ți calma nervii și a-ți deschide inima.” (Dan Brulé)

Видео 57 | Respiraţia conştientă, cu Maestrul „Rebirther” Dan Brulé | Design Perfect, spiritualitate канала Canal 33
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14 августа 2018 г. 0:57:15