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Відкриття відділення екстреної медичної допомоги ТНМУ TNMU opened Training Centre for Emergency Care

Відкриття центру невідкладної допомоги відбулося 29 листопада 2019 року.
Ректор ТНМУ, професор Михайло Корда презентував відділення гостям з Польщі, голові Тернопільської обласної ради Віктору Овчаруку, начальникам управлінь охорони здоров’я, головним лікарям міста і області, представникам благодійного фонду міста Белефельд.
Тепер студенти-медики і студенти-парамедики мають можливість відшліфувати своїм вміння і в наданні екстреної медичної допомоги. У цьому їм слугуватиме новозбудований навчальний корпус з боксом для заїзду «швидкої» та відповідно оснащеним автомобілем, кімнатою екстреної медичної допомоги (Emergency department), залою для дебрифінгу, внутрішнім двором, де можна симулювати різні ситуації.

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University continues implementation of advanced technologies in the educational process for students to gain practical experience. One of the priorities of TNMU is the development of simulation training. Several years ago, a simulation training center was opened at the university, which created all the opportunities for mastering practical skills on dummies.
Now medical and paramedic students have the opportunity to develop their skills in providing emergency medical care. This will be facilitated by a new training building with an ambulance box and suitably equipped car, emergency room, debriefing room, courtyard where different situations can be simulated.

On November 29, 2019, the Training Centre for Emergency Care was opened. TNMU Rector, Professor Mykhailo Korda presented the department to the guests from Poland, the Head of Ternopil Regional Council Viktor Ovcharuk, heads of health care departments, chief doctors of the city and region medical institutions, representatives of the charity fund of the city of Belfeld.

“Today’s event once again illustrates the fact that Ternopil National Medical University is constantly developing, improving. The quality of training of a specialist at the level of higher education is essential for maintaining the health of the nation. Competent professional health care improves the quality of life and well-being of the population and is therefore a matter of national importance. The requirements and responsibility for quality medical education have significantly increased today, when medical reforms are being implemented,” Viktor Ovcharuk commented on the event.

According to the Head of the Disaster and Military Medicine Department, Scientific Advisor of the Simulation Training Center, Professor Arsen Hudyma, in the specially constructed building of the Center, there is now an emergency center in which real practical skills will be acquired and students will gain the necessary experience in the conditions as much as possible close to reality.

“The Law of Ukraine“ On Emergency Medical Aid” was adopted in 2011, which clearly outlines the main components of the emergency medical care system with a focus on saving human life. Much has been done in terms of training future emergency doctors and paramedics in recent years, and only the Emergency Training Department was lacking. This is the department where the ambulance refers the patient so that life-saving can be done in a succession – from the emergency room to the specialized unit when needed. Today, the risk of death in the admission room is much higher than in an ambulance. Multidisciplinary hospitals of Ukraine are obliged to establish such units. Accordingly, the issue of staff training and retraining will be raised over time. In our center it will be possible to train such specialists,” – Arsen Hudyma said.

TNMU Rector, Professor Mykhaylo Korda expressed his appreciation to the charity fund of the city of Belfeld, which helped in equipping the Center. “This fund helps many residents of the village of Ilavche, in particular a charity hospital was established with their support. We have taken care of this medical institution. Our “Physical Therapy” students go to help there – by doing massages, engaging in physical rehabilitation of patients. Accordingly, the charity helps us with some equipment. They presented us an ambulance, a breathing machine, a multi-function beds. All these are expensive equipment. In our turn, the University is constantly investing in the development of a Simulation Training Center so that future doctors will have sufficient opportunities to gain practical experience,” Professor Mykhaylo Korda.

On this day, all participants of the festive event were practically demonstrated how the training of future paramedics and emergency doctors is carried out.

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