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Why Don't You Do Right - Peggy Lee/Amy Irving cover ft. Sarah Gibson

Update 🎊 Available on all streaming platforms https://open.spotify.com/track/1lCy7si7Eslise4XSGzesI?si=44957482c5f149a9

Happy Halloween! 🎃 For some Halloween spirit, I dressed up as Jessica Rabbit who is a fictional character from the movie, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit." The song I am preforming is "Why Don't You Do Right?" originally sung by Peggy Lee, but was later covered by Amy Irving. It has been a blast working on this project with such talented artists. It wouldn't have been possible without their hard work. Thank you for watching!

Видео Why Don't You Do Right - Peggy Lee/Amy Irving cover ft. Sarah Gibson канала Sarah Gibson
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