NCT 인터뷰 비공개 풀영상 드디어 공개합니다...!!
저희가 그동안 특별한 연예인 인터뷰를 많이 해왔는데요, 주로 한국에 오신 해외 스타분들께 처음으로 한국 음식을 소개하는 방식이었죠 ( 그런데 특히 아이돌 그룹 NCT의 마크님과 재현님과 함께한 인터뷰는 정말 역대급으로 즐거웠던 인터뷰였답니다. 저희의 인터뷰를 보고 많은 분들께서 무편집본이나 더 긴 영상을 올려달라는 요청을 계속해서 해주셔서, 저희 최애 인터뷰들 중 3개를 그렇게 공개하기로 했답니다! 첫 번째 영상으로 저희가 NCT 멤버분들과 함께한 (사실상) 무편집 영상을 준비했어요!
다음 영상은 이번주 토요일에 공개될 예정이니 많이 기대해주세요!
We’ve done some pretty special celeb interviews, often introducing celebrities visiting Korea to Korean food for the first time (, but one of our favourites was this interview with KPOP stars Mark and Jaehyun from NCT. For many of these interviews you guys have asked us over and over again to upload uncut extended versions of the interviews, so for 3 of our favourites, we’ve got just that for you! Here’s the first: our full interview with NCT uncut (basically!) and fully subtitled.
#NCT127 #NCT #SuperM
The next one will be uploaded this Saturday, so stay tuned!
Huge thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this video:
Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie
Producer/Editor: Grace Park
Producer/Editor/Translator: Hyemin Lim
Editor: Sejun Lee
Translator: Hannah Kang
Видео NCT 인터뷰 비공개 풀영상 드디어 공개합니다...!! канала 영국남자 Korean Englishman
다음 영상은 이번주 토요일에 공개될 예정이니 많이 기대해주세요!
We’ve done some pretty special celeb interviews, often introducing celebrities visiting Korea to Korean food for the first time (, but one of our favourites was this interview with KPOP stars Mark and Jaehyun from NCT. For many of these interviews you guys have asked us over and over again to upload uncut extended versions of the interviews, so for 3 of our favourites, we’ve got just that for you! Here’s the first: our full interview with NCT uncut (basically!) and fully subtitled.
#NCT127 #NCT #SuperM
The next one will be uploaded this Saturday, so stay tuned!
Huge thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this video:
Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie
Producer/Editor: Grace Park
Producer/Editor/Translator: Hyemin Lim
Editor: Sejun Lee
Translator: Hannah Kang
Видео NCT 인터뷰 비공개 풀영상 드디어 공개합니다...!! канала 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Информация о видео
17 июня 2020 г. 16:30:10
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