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Chiropractic Care for Spinal Cord Injury - C1 fracture

Maximize Chiropractic offers focused, patient-centered chiropractic care to all of our members - regardless of the condition of their spine. Meet our incredible practice member Mike. In 2016, Mike suffered an accident that left him with a broken neck, injuring his spinal cord and fracturing his C1 vertebrae, leaving him paralyzed. Since the accident Mike has worked everyday on his recovery and continues to make progress in his movement and physical wellness.
Dr. Tim uses advanced chiropractic techniques to deliver specific adjustments to the spine; detailed motion x-rays were taken before any care was rendered to ensure safety and stability of the previous surgeries.
Chiropractic adjustments will help the non fused joints move. If your paralyzed, you still can get your spine adjusted, you just need to find a chiropractor who knows what they are doing. The adjustments will also help to stimulate the nervous system; thus helping his body heal and function.
Just because you have metal holding bones together or cant walk, doesn't mean you can't find alternatives to medications. If you are looking for help or relief, please reach out to us.
Dr. Tim is a Sacramento Chiropractor who's approach to chiropractic is based off movement patterns of the spine visualized by the x-rays.

Видео Chiropractic Care for Spinal Cord Injury - C1 fracture канала Maximize Chiropractic
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22 апреля 2018 г. 7:02:04
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