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Ayahuasca Icaro ~ "Aya yay yay yay Ayahuasca" (by "Sound of Light")

The following link is a message from Mother Ayahuasca, and I highly recommend that you read it over & over again- https://m.box.com/shared_item/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.box.com%2Fs%2Fcadd90892ebfb0b97979 .This song is from 'Sound of Light' Ayahuasca circle, and an absolutely fantastic retreat to experience Ayahuasca, with Shamans who are 7th dimension Angels of Light. Their website is at the following link:

http://www.solcircle.org/events/ .

Though there are endless benefits, the following link lists some of the beautiful and life-changing benefits of Mother Ayahuasca-

We are the Tribes of Creation and evolution:


It is important to note that we are multi-dimensional beings. Ayahuasca cleanses, activates & aligns our divine 7-chakras to 5th dimension of Truth of Spirit & consciousness. But before we are allowed to enter these realms, we must face parts of ourselves that are not in alignment (the inner roads to total purity & authenticity must be accepted & worked on first, that's partly what Ayahuasca is for, allowing you to do this divine work within your-Self). For a clearer understanding of this I encourage you to read the following link-


"If God were to hide, God would hide inside of Man, because that would be the last place man would look for God"~ Hindu proverb

And this shows Mama Ayahuasca activating & aligning our Divine 7-chakras- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQpPUUMO_8A

And if you want more education on your 7-chakras I strongly recommend viewing the following 2 links

1) https://humanphysiologyandenergetic.wordpress.com/2015/02/18/the-human-chakric-and-auric-system-by-mohsen-paul-sarfarazi-ph-d/

2) https://multidimensionalconsciousness.wordpress.com/2014/07/20/towards-higher-consciousness-and-higher-dimensional-existence-by-mohsen-paul-sarfarazi-ph-d/

Our 7-chakras align us to ultimate Universal truths of Spirit (and infinite truths about ourselves)..

"Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness." The more that you are believing the more you have to think, and the more you believe and think the more you are focusing outwardly outside of yourself (lies), and the more that you think the further away you are from Truth.

The silliest idea in the history of humanity is to believe in something outside of you when you have no clue who you are in the first place. If you don't even know who you are, then your beliefs are just as blind.

"Surrender to your Soul, it knows the way".

"Spirituality is not a belief system or ideology, IT is the sweet and total surrender of the ego to the infinite Love, Wisdom, and Knowledge that is the infinite multi-dimensional Universe."

I will be uploading a few hundred Ayahuasca icaro's/songs & mantra's that have been played in various Ayahuasca circles (ceremonies) I've been very privileged & blessed to be a part of. Some of them hundreds and even thousands of years old and just as strong today as ever. As truth doesn't have a time frame. Truth is always in the NOW (the Eternal Now of Spirit), not in the past or future of the programmed false mind. Songs written by the plants and shared with us as gifts, to be used in ceremony with the medicine that takes us deep within ourselves..

For any newbies to this Divine and very sacred medicine, I have a good introduction to Ayahuasca by Darpan linked below. Ayahuasca is YOU, and every-One. In 3-parts:

Part 1-


Part 2-


Part 3 ;-)



Finally, to share an Alan Watts lecture eye watched years ago that struck a chord in me when I first researched Ayahuasca, and from someone who had some experience with divine & sacred plant medicines. That led me to look and go deep within, and hit a spark to my inner journey. This is part 1 of 4 parts, and don't forget to view all 4 -




"The Kingdom of Plants leads to the discovery of the Kingdom Within"

Blessed to be in service of the Great Spirit of Love of the Universe. And to this sacred divine medicine Ayahuasca of infinite gifts!


^^ Ride the White Horse , it's the only real ride in town, as it's the only one with wings. Everything else is illusion ;-)

"Alchemize all your fears into phenomena"

Much Love & Light,

Видео Ayahuasca Icaro ~ "Aya yay yay yay Ayahuasca" (by "Sound of Light") канала Robert Demeter
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25 января 2015 г. 7:05:57