12 Year Old Boy Sings HUGE Love Ballad!
What's poppin'?
Check out this amazing audition of a 12-year-old boy singing Celine Dion - 'My Heart Will Go On' on Romania's Got Talent!
#popcorn #celinedion #gottalent
Видео 12 Year Old Boy Sings HUGE Love Ballad! канала Popcorn
Check out this amazing audition of a 12-year-old boy singing Celine Dion - 'My Heart Will Go On' on Romania's Got Talent!
#popcorn #celinedion #gottalent
Видео 12 Year Old Boy Sings HUGE Love Ballad! канала Popcorn
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20 февраля 2023 г. 21:30:04
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