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Tanki Online-Destruction Of Born.T0.Hate-Silence War

Born.T0.Hate, screenshots of us flipped by your mult or error won't show anything. If you are a man make a video on us like this )) You challenge us for 1v1? No point of doing 1v1 when we legit win 2v5 fights or when you out number us we still win. Getting error=run? Sure but we have plenty screenshots of you running. Picture of DJade and Deluxe flipped? Your mult flipped us not you, then you also failed to kill us, why didn't you include your DL in that game in the screenshot of you dying to 2 flipped tanks? A screenshot of Illumi refreshing from error and you called it a run? Nice now look at the screenshots of you running and YOUR DL. You have brought countless people into this war but eventually, you will fall apart ))

~NBK Clan

Видео Tanki Online-Destruction Of Born.T0.Hate-Silence War канала NBK Tanki
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6 мая 2019 г. 21:09:48