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Jane Hamon: The Seer Anointing (2 Kings 6:16)

Jane Hamon: The Seer Anointing (2 Kings 6:16)
Quotes: “A seer is going to see the Lord. Isaiah 6:1 “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.” He was clearly having a vision. As seers we can pray to see many things but one of the things that we must desire most is to see the Lord. The prophetic anointing that comes upon us empowers us to see God. The veil that separates us has been torn from top to bottom. We've been given full access to the Holy of Holies. We ought to be desiring to see the King. 2 Kings 6:1516 (ESV) “And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

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One day I was standing at my kitchen
I was cooking and suddenly I saw
fire flash through my house.
It didn't have anything to do with my cooking.
I recognized it was a very quick vision,
it only lasted a second but I saw fire
shoot through my whole house.
I prayed and I said, “Father whatever this is,
whatever kind of an assignment or
attack this is, I just break its power.”
We've got to be alert because there's times that God
will speak to us and the vision will
last one second but we've got to know
the difference between our mind, our
imagination and the Holy Ghost showing
you a vision of something that you need to pray into.
Two weeks later I went in to clean
up my little son's room and noticed
something up in his lampshade.
He apparently had laid on his bed
and thrown his sock up into the lampshade.
When I took it down it was
completely burned but it didn't burn anything else.
The Lord warned me with a vision.
There are times that what you see
is symbolic and then you've got to
interpret what you're seeing.
One time in our congregation I saw a
giant wind to come and take the roof off our church.
The Lord said, “Keep watching.”
As I watched I saw what looked
like a giant canopy come over our church
and as the rain came it just filled up the canopy.
The people ran to where the water was dripping and they
would stand under the drips.
Sometimes that's the way it is in church.
God's raining from heaven but there's
this canopy and all the people are
getting are His drips.
As I watched I saw the hand of God reach out
to that canopy and rip that canopy right
down the middle.
All that water went and everybody in the
whole church got saturated.
I knew I was seeing something symbolically.
I was seeing a symbolic picture of God’s outpouring.
We experienced that kind of an
outpouring where the deluge of the Holy
Spirit came and just saturated us all.
Let me give you some of the reasons for
things that happen in the seer dimension.
A seer is going to see the Lord.
Isaiah 6:1 “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord
sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the
train of His robe filled the temple.”
He was clearly having a vision.
As seers we can pray to see many
things but one of the things that we
must desire most is to see the Lord.
The prophetic anointing that comes upon us
empowers us to see God.
The veil that separates us has
been torn from top to bottom.
We've been given full access to the Holy of Holies.
We ought to be desiring to see the King.
2 Kings 6
15 And when the servant of the man of God arose early and
went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with
horses and chariots. And his servant said to him,
“Alas, my master! What shall we do?”
16 So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who
are with us are more than those who are with them.”
17 And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes
that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the
young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was
full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
Do you remember when Elijah was with Judah and remember
the Syrian armies were coming against them and he was spying into the enemy's
camp so that whenever the Syrian King would set up an ambush or an attack
against them Elijah would tell the generals?
The anointing of the seer gives you an
ability not to just see the Lord but to
see the enemy to see how the enemy works.

Видео Jane Hamon: The Seer Anointing (2 Kings 6:16) канала King of Kings Worship Center
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21 апреля 2021 г. 16:30:01