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Church of Scientology Maliciously Targets Top Psychiatrist

The manner in which Indian-origin psychiatrist, Raj Persaud, was suspended for misconduct has become controversial - after it emerged that the complaints of plagiarism against him were brought by a Church of Scientology front-group the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) which is intensely hostile to Psychiatry.
Persaud - a high-profile psychiatrist known across Britain for his frequent television and radio appearances - was barred from practicing Psychiatry for three months by the regulatory General Medical Council (GMC) after he admitted to plagiarizing the works of other academics in newspaper articles and a book.
However, it has emerged that the complaint to the GMC was not brought by any of the academics whose work Persaud had plagiarized - but by the Scientology organization which is hostile to his profession.
The church of Scientology, founded in 1952 by American science fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard, considers psychiatry to be useless at helping people cope with psychological disorders. This is because the church teaches that all of our fears, anxieties and diseases are caused by the parasitic ghosts of dead aliens and these dead aliens can only be removed by Scientology.
In addition, the Church teaches its followers that psychiatry was responsible for World War I, the rise of Hitler and Stalin, the decline in education standards in the United States, the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, and the September 11 attacks.
The Churchs point of view on these issues is documented extensively in the Churchs magazines, books and videos. In addition, the Church has created a museum which specifically teaches that Psychiatrists are responsible for the Holocaust. When BBC journalist, John Sweeney, visited the site in 2006, he was so disgusted that he lost his temper with his tour-guide (Church Spokesperson, Tommy Davis).
While suspending Persaud the GMC also noted that the psychiatrist had been praised by celebrity British television journalists and presenters, as well as former Foreign Secretary and Health Minister Lord David Owen. Owen, a respected veteran of British politics, said he has the highest regard for Persauds skills as a popularizer and explainer of mental health issues.
The article that the Citizens Commission on Human Rights complained about was published in The Independent newspaper June 30, 2005 under the title A Dangerous War on Psychiatry. In it Persaud wrote: The war against psychiatry was integral to the mission of the founder of Scientology, Ron Hubbard, since the publication of his first book, Dianetics, in 1950, and that it continues to this day.
Hubbard indicated as far back as the 1960s that one of the key enemies of Scientology was the profession of psychiatry. This small but internationally connected group, Hubbard claimed, was behind the lies and slander that both the press and government agencies received about Scientology.
Persaud took the passage from American academic Stephen A. Kents The Globalization of Scientology: Influence, Control and Opposition in Transnational Markets.
Meanwhile, David Nias, a British clinical psychiatrist, said the practice of plagiarism was so rife that an example had to be made of Persaud but added that such complaints were very rare. Its something that is so rife, usually a blind eye is turned to it, or just a warning given, Nias told the Channel 4 television in a news report titled Raj Persaud - plagiarist or hero?
It is very rare for someone to be reported or punished for this, he said. Because he is so high profile and a celebrity he was much more likely to be highlighted, he added.
In conclusion, it is clearly evident that the Church of Scientology has been scrutinizing all newspaper, magazines and books regarding Psychiatry and Scientology and has been waiting for a Psychiatrist of Persauds reputation to slip up.
Personally, I find fact that Persaud marginally plagiarized his colleagues work for a newspaper article and a book pretty trivial (especially when his colleagues werent bothered and when its so common). More sinister is the fact that the Church of Scientology is closely monitoring Psychiatric publications with a view to Fair Gaming the author and destroying his or her career.
Ill leave it to the public each individual - who simply has to ask themselves if I start to show symptoms of depression, epilepsy, Parkinsons disease, schizophrenia or Alzheimers disease do I go to see a Psychiatrist - or the Alien Ghostbusters?

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20 января 2010 г. 11:40:57