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Deasbad Gàidhlig mun Reifreinn | Gaelic Independence Referendum Debate

Deasbad air reifreinn neo-eisimealachd na h-Alba air a chur air dòigh le Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann. Bha riochdairean bhon dà thaobh a' freagairt cheistean bhon luchd-èisteachd ceangailte ri ceist an reifreinn fhèin: Am bu chòir do dh'Alba a bhith na dùthaich neo-eisimealach?

Bu Chòir: An Dr Alasdair Allan
Nas Fheàrr Còmhla: Alasdair Moireasdan
Cathraiche: Angela NicEachain

Le taing dhan Economic and Social Research Council agus do Sgoil Litreachasan, Cànain agus Cultaran aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann airson taic a chur ris an deasbad.
Debate on the Scottish independence referendum, organised by the University of Edinburgh. Representatives from the two official camps answered questions from the audience pertaining to the referendum question: Should Scotland be an independent nation?

Yes: Dr Alasdair Allan
Better Together: Alasdair Morrison
Chair: Angela MacEachen

With thanks to the Economic and Social Research Council and the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh for their support of this event.

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16 мая 2014 г. 20:04:27