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ATtiny85 and MPU-6050 6-axis Accelerometer and Gyro Arduino IDE

#MPU6050, #ATtiny85, #Arduino

I'll show you how to get the ATtiny85 reading the sensors on the Invensense MPU-6050 MEMS 6-axis DOF Gyroscope and Accelerometer.

NOTE! Change Quotes to "Less-than" and "Greater than" symbols in library 'includes' where appropriate. Change LT and GT to maths symbols.

// Connect SDA and SDC (ATTINY85 physical pins 5 & 7) to the MPU6050 and the SSD1306 OLED Display
// Connect Vcc/Gnd to MPU6050 and SSD1306 OLED Display (if you are using the 128x64 display, comment out "setdisplay()"
// If you only want to use Serial Monitor OR OLED display, comment out calls to libraries, functions and routines which you don't require
// Tom Donnelly 2018

#include "TinyWireM.h"
#include "TinyOzOLED.h"
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
// #define DEBUG 1 // - uncomment this line to display accel/gyro values
#ifdef DEBUG

int accelX, accelY, accelZ;
int gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ;
int gyroXold, gyroYold, gyroZold;
char mpu = 0x68; // I2C address of MPU. Connect 5V to pin ADO to use 0x69 address instead

SoftwareSerial Monitor(-1, 4); // We will only use Tx on PortB 4

void setup() {
setDisplay(); // set display to 128x32px. Comment out of you're using 128x64 display
OzOled.printString("Bond Gyro");
delay(1000); // Display title
// We need to do three things. 1. Disable sleep mode on the MPU (it activates on powerup). 2. Set the scale of the Gyro. 3. Set the scale of the accelerometer
// We do this by sending 2 bytes for each: Register Address & Value
TinyWireM.write(0x6B); // Power setting address
TinyWireM.write(0b00000000); // Disable sleep mode (just in case)
TinyWireM.write(0x1B); // Config register for Gyro
TinyWireM.write(0x00000000); // 250° per second range (default)
TinyWireM.beginTransmission(mpu); //I2C address of the MPU
TinyWireM.write(0x1C); // Accelerometer config register
TinyWireM.write(0b00000000); // 2g range +/- (default)

void loop() {
if (shaken()) {
Monitor.println(" Shaken..");
OzOled.printNumber((long)millis(), 0, 1);
OzOled.printString("Shaken..", 0, 2);

#ifdef DEBUG
OzOled.printNumber((long)accelX, 0, 0);
OzOled.printNumber(accelY, 0, 1);
OzOled.printNumber(accelZ, 0, 2);
OzOled.printNumber((long)millis(), 0, 3);

if (stirred()) {
Monitor.println(" Stirred..");

#ifdef DEBUG
OzOled.printNumber((long)gyroX, 0, 0);
OzOled.printNumber(gyroY, 0, 1);
OzOled.printNumber(gyroZ, 0, 2);
OzOled.printNumber((long)millis(), 0, 3);

// delay(100);

void getAccel() {
TinyWireM.beginTransmission(mpu); //I2C address of the MPU
TinyWireM.write(0x3B); // Acceleration data register
TinyWireM.requestFrom(mpu, 6); // Get 6 bytes, 2 for each DoF
accelX = TinyWireM.read() LTLT 8; // Get X upper byte first
accelX |= TinyWireM.read(); // lower
accelY = TinyWireM.read() LTLT 8; // Get Y upper byte first
accelY |= TinyWireM.read(); // lower
accelZ = TinyWireM.read() LTLT 8; // Get Z upper byte first
accelZ |= TinyWireM.read(); // lower

void getGyro() {
TinyWireM.beginTransmission(mpu); //I2C address of the MPU
TinyWireM.write(0x43); // Gyro data register
TinyWireM.requestFrom(mpu, 6); // Get 6 bytes, 2 for each DoF
while (TinyWireM.available() LT 6);
gyroX = TinyWireM.read() LTLT 8; // Get X upper byte first
gyroX |= TinyWireM.read(); // lower
gyroY = TinyWireM.read() LTLT 8; // Get Y upper byte first
gyroY |= TinyWireM.read(); // lower
gyroZ = TinyWireM.read() LTLT 8; // Get Z upper byte first
gyroZ |= TinyWireM.read(); // lower

bool shaken() {
if ((abs(accelX) GT 20000) || (abs(accelY) GT 20000) || (abs(accelZ) GT 32760)) {
return true;
else return false;

bool stirred() {
gyroXold = gyroX; // Save current Gyro settings...
gyroYold = gyroY;
gyroZold = gyroZ;
getGyro(); // get a second reading to compare with the last to see if we're moving
// 300 is just a number to filter noise-level fluxuations .. DYOR
if (((gyroX - gyroXold) GT 300) || ((gyroY - gyroYold) GT 300) || ((gyroZ - gyroZold) GT 300)) {
return true;
else return false;
void setDisplay () { // 128x32px OLED settings
OzOled.sendCommand(0xA8); // Multiplexer
OzOled.sendCommand(0xDA); // Com Pins

Видео ATtiny85 and MPU-6050 6-axis Accelerometer and Gyro Arduino IDE канала Tom Donnelly
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16 октября 2018 г. 1:45:51