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Buying a projector to watch movies is for the "atmosphere" and "immersion", but many people will find that the projector is either not bright enough or the color is not good. And these are all related to the light source of the projector. What's the difference between the different projectors? Are laser projectors necessarily better? What kind of projector can reproduce accurate, true colors?

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【为什么你的头会秃成M、C、U型?丨Why is your head bald into M, C, U shape?】https://youtu.be/Iz2Y5mtOMQU
【搜索引擎怎么搜不到信息了?| Why can't search engine find information?】https://youtu.be/sSIZux7qtO0
【蓝牙怎么这么多毛病还依然长盛不衰?丨Why is Bluetooth still popular with so many problems?】https://youtu.be/kFrxWGWHEPY
【贵的保温杯是不是智商税?| Is the expensive vacuum flask an IQ tax?】https://youtu.be/WuIbxb7vav0

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Видео 灯泡、LED、单色激光、三色激光……投影仪的光有什么区别?激光投影仪就一定更好吗? канала 柴知道ChaiKnows Official Channel
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30 мая 2023 г. 15:00:08
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