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Mr Questions the Cop Catches me in a Tired and Bad Mood

Guys - This video is just raw unedited footage of a police encounter. I do not proclaim I handled it well, nor is it some "how to handle the cops" video. It is what it is. I get the negative comments, but I do know that I didn't handle this encounter particularly well. I just didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea in thinking *I* think this is some uber way to handle the police. (Now continue with telling me how poorly I handled the encounter. :) )

It's late,.. I'm on my way home, super tired. I pulled over in a parking lot in a super well lit area to operate my cell phone and tablet for a minute - as I don't like to "Text and Drive" .. especially when I'm that tired. A few minutes later a Cop pulls up (Then 2 more for "backup" ) -- and what ensues is shown in the video.

I have no issue with a Cop coming by the check and see what is going on. None at all, it's his job.

But this encounter should have gone like this:

Cop pulls up, and runs my tag as he clearly did before speaking to me as he addressed me by name right away.

Cop comes to car, which I had windows down, car off, hands in plain view nothing illegal. Cop asks if everything is ok? My car having trouble, etc? I say, no everything is fine I'm just pulled over to use my phone.

Cop then says, ok ,.. was just making sure everything was "ok" here, .. and goes on his way. If he was "suspicious" he and his buddy could stay there and watch for all I care.

Point is,.. after he asked what I was doing and ascertained I and my vehicle were fine -- That should have been the end of the "stop".

Instead what really annoyed me was him starting his mini investigation and somewhat defamatory remarks about how I could be robbing the bank (waiting on someone to come out).. or more specifically throwing a rock through the window to literally time how long the response time was for a future Crime (robbery) *I* "might" do.

Moreover, police are so used to people who have done nothing wrong, have no criminal record, nothing to hide just answering any and all questions. I wasn't trying to be an ass to the Guy,.. but it's , frankly, none of his business where I had been, where I was going, etc..

It IS his business if I am under reasonable suspicion of committing a crime to detain and investigate me (question). However there was no reasonable suspicion.

I clearly was not a criminal , no record,.. my answer to what I was doing was very believable -- Pulled over to use the phone -- as all in the car other than the car was the phone, a tablet, and a camera (which he had no clue about..).

So not being in the mood to entertain 20 questions,.. I told him I don't have to answer the question(s).. I didn't go all "pretend lawyer" on him and lecture him on probable cause, reasonable articulable suspicion, etc.. He sought me, not me him --

I , again, was clearly tired, and as nice as he sounds,.. his true intention as most cops are trained is to ask questions, and search as if people are guilty of something these days. They are not trained to approach non felons, without records, with Gun half out of the holster as he did,.. then proceed to "tactfully" give his reason for the questions (after I wouldn't answer) that I could be robbing or planning a robbery.

His logic didn't add up that if I were parked next to the ATM it would make more "sense".

I was parked in the front parking lot in clear view of anyone and everyone. Which is the only reason the cops showed up and spotted me so fast.

Doesn't he realize most anyone up to some sort of crime wouldn't park in front of a building with lights all around them , next to a major road -- if they were, indeed, going to Throw a rock through the window to test the response time, or other such accusations?

On the "nice" side of things -- Again, if he were genuinely concerned for my safety "Seizure/car broken down" -- Then after a few sentences he would have seen things were fine.

There was zero reason he needed to run my license. In fact, by law I don't have to hand it over in that particular situation. But, while I know my rights,.. I also don't try to delay things more than necessary, esp. when I just want to get home and go to bed.. So I said.. suuuure, and let him go run his checks.

After the checks, the LEO had another chance to END the stop, imo, more professionally -- by handing it back and saying, Ok you have a good night, done. But he starts in with the questions...

He was polite, but I've been "harassed" if you will 5 times this year at all times.. whether it's lunchtime or in this case 1am, with my car off, in a parking lot, minding my own business for 10 minutes with this same sort of stop.

I have one other video of a cop who did the same sort of cursory check in a parking lot earlier this year, who handled things MUCH more appropriately. As such I put the video up to show a "good cop" as it were.

Видео Mr Questions the Cop Catches me in a Tired and Bad Mood канала GuessTech
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4 октября 2014 г. 15:58:12