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Rhema July 30, 2022 ❤️ I've given you free Will... You choose to follow My Counsel or not

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2020/07/01/ich-gab-euch-einen-freien-willen-i-have-given-you-free-will/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

I've given you free Will... You choose to follow My Counsel or not

June 16, 2020 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My precious people, many of you are living for yourselves, and living in sin as well. How I love you and pray you will not have to go through this great tribulation. The last thing in the world I want to do is leave you here for the most frightful and tormenting times that ever existed on this Earth.

"But I have given you free will and it is up to you to make a decision between popular morality and My morality, which does not allow for fornication (sex without marriage) or adultery (cheating on your marriage partner).

"If you do these things and do not stop, if you do not purify your lives and start giving to others, the poor, the needy, feeding and clothing them, if you do not change your way of life, you will be left behind.

"Please, seek My will in your prayer closet at night. I will meet you there and forgive you, as well as counsel you on what you should change. My voice is very still and quiet, not like the blaring sounds of the world. It will be like a gentle breeze coming up from within you, with a new sense of right and wrong, as well as a new sense of priorities. I will lead you through your conscience, if you will be still and pay attention, listening very carefully.

"I will also give you the graces you need in order to change your life style. If you obey, you will feel clean and at peace. If you do not, there will be constant turmoil in your heart along with the fears of being left behind.

"It is not too late to change. Do the works I did. Pray for the sick, admonish those in deep sin. Share My love with those who are hungry for love and understanding, show compassion and mercy. Share your food and clothing. Give to missions, from the heart, knowing that someone in the world is being comforted because you shared what you had.

"I am asking these things of you for your own good. You know My will, now is the time to make changes and to leave the life of sin behind you.

"You are not alone, My Beloved ones; I will help you. I know all about your need to be held and loved. I know you need a partner in life, a father for your children, a mother for those who have lost their wife. I know the deep sorrow you live with day by day, longing to have a real husband or wife.

"But I must tell you, I cannot give you those things until you abandon a life of sin and turn around to Me and My commandments for your lives, completely.

"In the meantime, I will be your spouse, your friend, and helper. I have so many ways to provide for single parents, because of the extraordinary load they shoulder living alone with children. Please, turn to Me with all your heart and know that I am with you and will provide for you.

"Time is passing quickly and there are no guarantees about your life tomorrow. My heart yearns for you to return to Me, and allow Me to reorganize your life without sin. I am always by your side, Beloved, I hurt for you, I pray for you, I cry for you, I send My angels to care for you. Not a moment goes by that I do not care for you in extraordinary ways.

"Recognize My providence in your life, study My promises to you in the Scriptures, and yes, use a Bible Promise Book. My Holy Spirit will open to the page that you need to read. Then place all your trust in Me and move forward.

"Hold fast to My Promises, declare them, and when the lies of the enemy assault your mind, quote My promises to them and they will flee. Be firm and convinced. My angels will honor your use of My Name.


Видео Rhema July 30, 2022 ❤️ I've given you free Will... You choose to follow My Counsel or not канала JESUS LoveLetters - Liebesbriefe 2
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