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12 Times When Team Mascots Went Too Far

BRAIN TIME ► https://goo.gl/tTWgH2

Mascots are an integral part of any sporting event. They are specifically chosen for major tournaments and championships, in many cases by public vote. In addition, different clubs, as well as national and local teams usually have their own mascots, which are dearly loved by fans of all ages. During the breaks in the game they are in charge of entertaining the public. Today we will show you some pranks and mischiefs of different mascots that will be remembered by the fans for a long time.

00:00 - Welcome!
00:44 - Unusual game
01:28 - Prank on TV
02:10 - Bad joke
02:50 - Acrobatic tricks
03:26 - Unlikely couple (Preview)
04:25 - Hit to kill
04:53 - Dangerous game
05:54 - Shocking footage (Preview)
07:16 - Pranking a player
08:00 - Epic fall
08:56 - Plotting against opponents
09:42 - Serious battle *** https://www.youtube.com/@INCREDIBLE-qq2zi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZVJ_GkAr0m2YkabUiO8Rqg

Видео 12 Times When Team Mascots Went Too Far канала BRAIN TIME
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3 сентября 2020 г. 18:00:12