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This Young Girl Loves Attention.....To "Save" ( not kill ) a Mockingbird....

This young girl loves attention..... The Mockingbird will sit forever for this. Hilarious considering she's a wild baby bird...

Quick back story on how I came to find this baby bird: Last month during filming we heard what sounded like the cry's of a baby bird off set. After our shot was up we looked around and came upon a little fur ball of feathers. When I approached this baby bird it was terrified, and rightfully so. As I must have looked like King Kong coming towards it. I picked it up and secured in a small box, while we searched out the nest that it had fallen from. With no luck in locating the nest, I took it home with me as it was becoming night time. Within a short while the little baby bird become calm, comfortable and very hungry- what an appetite this little one has. Since then I have been taking care of the this baby mockingbird and hopefully it will be free, and able to fly soon.
Update: I think it's a girl Mockingbird based on head colors from some reading I did on this species and a private email I got about the bird . This little one is sure a big eater too, and is very comfortable sleeping in the palm of my hand & follows me every where....

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