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19 Financial Minimalist Habits That Made Me Wealthy

Here are 19 habits that have made me wealthy at age 28.
Financial Minimalism is "making intentional decisions with your money that align with your values and minimizing your financial clutter." When you pursue financial minimalism you are seeking to make intentional decisions with your money on things that bring value to your life. Naturally, when you become more intentional about your spending, you spend less money.

The main word with financial minimalism is "intention" and being intentional with your spending. In this video I talk about "19 Financial Minimalist Habits that Made Me Wealthy."

1. Practicing contentment with material possessions

The ultimate goal of minimalism is "contentment," which is being satisfied with present conditions. Be happy with what you have, instead of always wanting more.

2. Simplifying bills

Being a minimalist, I want to simplify as much as possible with my finances. I automate my bills so that I do not have to spend time paying them and I do not miss a payment.

3. Simplifying investments

Just like my bills, I like to be simple with my investments. I follow the "buy and hold long term" strategy with investing by buying index funds and not worrying about the market.

4. Remaining calm

An important habit to become wealthy is remaining calm in down trends of the market and not panic sell. People lose the most amount of money when they panic.

5. Planning for the future

No matter how good your life is, times will eventually get bad, so you have to prepare for the future by creating an emergency fund.

6. Delayed gratification

Delayed gratification is "the ability to wait to get what you want." The best things in life come to those who wait, so instead of seeking instant gratification, seek delayed gratification.

7. Defining money's purpose in your life

What is money's purpose in your life? The answer to that question is very important to becoming wealthy. For me, money means peace of mind.

8. Being self sufficient

Knowing how to do things like change your oil, fix things, and cooking can save you a lot of money. It also gives you a wealth of information on how to live.

9. Having a balance

Minimalism is about having a balance. No matter what you choose to do in life, you have to have a balance and not deprive yourself of things.

10. Take care of your stuff

Expensive things generally last longer because you take better care of them. It doesn't matter how cheap or expensive something is, you should take good care of it because it will last longer.

11. Define enough

How much money is enough to do what you want? It is important to define enough in your life because you will never have enough until you define enough.

12. Don't screw your future self over

This is a basic principle of money: "When you are saving, you are giving to your future self. When you are taking on debt, you are stealing from your future self."

13. Not embracing comfort

Comfort is expensive, but is also costly to your development as a human. You grow the most when you are uncomfortable, so don't always be seeking comfort in your life.

14. Not embracing convenience

Convenience is expensive, but when you are always doing convenient things you miss out on community. This is costly both financially and mentally.

15. Getting the most out of things

Minimalism is about intention, so be intentional about your purchase and get the most out of your things. You will naturally spend less.

16. Embracing patience

You don't become wealthy overnight, it is a process that happens overtime. If you are patient, you will eventually become wealthy.

17. Living below your means

You don't become wealthy by owning nice cars and a big house. You become wealthy by living below your means and saving money.

18. Take care of your health

Your body should be your biggest investment. Without it, you will be unable to do other things. Take better care of your body just as much as your money.

19. Embracing the journey

Financial minimalism is a journey that never ends. Don't live thinking that "one day" things will get better. Enjoy the moment and every part of the journey.

**None of this is meant to be construed as financial advice, it's for entertainment purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Austin Williams does not guarantee any specific outcome or profit. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment discussed. Strategies or investments discussed may fluctuate in price or value. Investments or strategies mentioned may not be suitable for you.**

Видео 19 Financial Minimalist Habits That Made Me Wealthy канала Austin Williams
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13 мая 2022 г. 18:00:10