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[ENG SUB] TOKIDO analyzes his match vs DAIGO at CPT2020 Asia East

Watch full archive on Tokido's channel here https://www.openrec.tv/live/e2zw5pjx6zo

Someone asked me to translate this yesterday and I remembered that I watched Tokido analyzing this match during TOPANGA TV but thought that it didn't go into the detail enough. But he actually did it again on his own channel and I found this pretty interesting and decided to translate it.

There are many parts that I couldn't hear what Tokido said, or I wasn't really sure what he is saying, so I just translated the part that I understand.

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#SFV #Tokido #Daigo

Видео [ENG SUB] TOKIDO analyzes his match vs DAIGO at CPT2020 Asia East канала HiFight
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26 августа 2020 г. 4:23:53
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