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GoPro MAX vs HERO 8 | one WINS underwater!?

READ MORE: https://www.jakerichtravels.com/blog/gopro-ultimate-guide-2020
BUY GOPRO 9: https://geni.us/goprohero9
MASTERCLASS: https://notjustcolour.podia.com/zero-to-hero-action-camera-masterclass

GOPRO MAX VS HERO 8 (which one is for you?)
In this video Jake Rich tests out the GoPro MAX and compares it the new GoPro Hero 8. If you are looking at getting a new gopro max 360 camera over the gopro hero 8, this video should hopefully guide you a little better and shares some insights into the creative capabilities of each gopro. The first question you should be asking yourself is, do you want a 360 camera? If the answer to that is yes, and you already own a gopro than maybe it's time to grab one of the new GoPro MAX 360 cameras!

Please feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below and make sure to check out some of my other videos relating to GoPro


BUY GOPRO FROM B&H PHOTO: https://geni.us/WBamw
BUY GOPRO 9: https://geni.us/goprohero9
GOPRO TUTORIALS & INSIGHTS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrkv8v-7sjNsqQBpYaSf4QdR0oPXOT0kz

MUSIC: http://share.mscbd.fm/jakerichtravels
MORE MUSIC: http://share.epidemicsound.com/jakerich


#gopromax #goprohero8 #hero8black #gopromaxvshero8 #hero8vsmax #gopro8 #hero8

Видео GoPro MAX vs HERO 8 | one WINS underwater!? канала Jake Rich and Anna Chah
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