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So you want to do a NO BUY YEAR. This is a step by step guide on how to get yourself ready for a No Buy Challenge. I share with you the process I take each time I do this challenge and how to make things very clear for yourself. For me this is not just a stop shopping challenge but also a way of working on yourself and taking things deeper to places we don't always feel we have the strength to go. The best thing about a No Buy is how personalised it can be. You make it suit your needs, context and what you are looking for in your life but we often don't take advantage of how much we can really make it our own. In this video I hope to help you feel like you can do that and that you feel a little more ready and equipped to take on this challenge but more importantly take on yourself. I hope you found this helpful in someway and thank you so very much for watching! :)

Now for you free thinkers or can't be asked to sit through 30 minutes here is the talking points. (STEP by STEP) with time stamps :)

1. 0:44-2:52 Make the DECISION, COMIT & BACK YOURSELF! (Tell those voices of doubt to piss off, they always take up more space than they deserve and this time they are not invited to your No Buy Year)

2. 3:03-6:38 Get Crystal Clear On Your WHY! ( It is very important to do this step and do it well. Start off with a general why but make sure you unpack it further and further. Keep asking why to your why until you can't think of anything else to write/say.) I give two examples so if you are confused watch that part.

3. 6:48-11:48 Create Your VISION! (Think about the end of your No Buy Year... Where would you like to be? Physically, Personally & Spiritually Or Higher Values for those who are not so spiritually or religiously inclined. Thinking about a future you can feel motivated to move towards not that you will necessarily end up there but will get the momentum under you and get you inspired) I give personally example to this and unpack this a lot further in video.

4. 12:18-15:20 Create Your RULES! (Are you doing a no buy, low buy on everything or just focusing on some areas? Make your rules crystal clear and define them. What is your essentials, what do you actually mean by low buy is that 3 times a week or once? Is that ruffly 30 new clothing items or less than 10 or 5? Doesn't have to be perfect but think about this and write it down. Also with the categories you choose especially troublesome areas really unpack it. Choose over arching area like decor but if candles and plants is where you always get tempted put that down as well.)

5. 15:29-16:44 DON'T Panic Buy Or Stockpile! (Your rules should be clear and reasonable enough that if you truly need something you can get it. Don't stock up on anything because you will miss one of the best benefits of this challenge which is to use up all you have and get your moneys worth.)

6. 16:46-19:09 TRACKING Is Key! (Choose what you are going to track, items purchases, all areas you spend money, gifts received, products used up, each time you are tempted to buy something and the list goes on. Write it down, take pictures but make sure you keep come record. It is hard to see the progress we have made unless we are able to look back on the hard evidence. Keeps you motivated, accountable and is the best thing to add up at the end of your year.)

7. 19:20-20:55 BONUS Projects! (Different mini projects you can do alongside a no buy to focus your attention on all the things you already have instead of looking for new things to buy. Project panning, Capsule Wardrobes and Budgeting Methods. Maybe choose one or two months to try one out. This is your year make it count.)

8. 21:18-23:39 How To Use Your TIME! (Get yourself prepared for when you are bored or get the need to shop and how you can have a clear action plan or how to fill your time instead. Make the effort todo some hobbies or see people you wish to see more. Create a clear way out for when shopping becomes the temptation. Starting creating clear pre mapped game plans.)

9. 23:55-27:33 The REAL WORK Begins! (Taking away the distraction and pacifier of shopping will mean that things start to raise up that want to be addressed. How can we begin to bare the hard feelings and the emotional triggers that send us hinting for the perfect thing to sooth ourselves. This for me is the real beauty of this challenge and where true life changing behaviour happens.)

10. 27:43-29:06 It Is Not Going To Be Easy But IT WILL BE WORTH IT & The Hard Stuff Is Where The GROWTH BEGINS! (My final thoughts and why I am excited to do work like this.)

---More Videos---
NO BUY RULES 2022! // Best Money Saving Challenge + Third Year on a NO BUY

NO BUY/LOW BUY Year 2020 The FINAL RESULTS! // Saving 70% of My Income

10 BENEFITS of a NO BUY YEAR // Reasons I will Continue in 2021

Видео HOW TO DO A NO BUY YEAR // Step By Step GUIDE канала NeliaRose
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26 декабря 2021 г. 17:05:12