Quran got basic embryology wrong #islam #quran #jesus
The first thing quran talks about in the verses is "nutfah" which is used for semen. Apologetics tend to interpret it as the fertilised egg in the early stages of cell division. The word nutfah literally meant a small amount of liquid, and was a euphemism for semen.
The Quran consistently refers to nutfah (نُطْفَة), meaning a drop of fluid, which in classical Arabic and Islamic tafsirs (e.g., Ibn Kathir, Al-Jalalayn, and al-Tabari) is universally understood as semen.
After the nutfah, the Quran states that it transforms into alaqah, a clot of blood, which is scientifically inaccurate. All classical tafsirs understood alaqah as a literal blood clot and pre-Islamic poetry used the same meaning in similar contexts. It is the primary use according to classical lexicons. Some apologists reinterpret alaqah as leech, trying to align it with modern embryology. Still embryo is very different than leach functionally or biologically. More importantly, there is no justification for abandoning the standard classical Arabic meaning that was universally recognized by early scholars and translators.
Now lets look at the nutfah in the womb. Verses 80:18-19, and 77:20-22 together with 23:13 clearly imply that a small amount of semen is stored in the womb and developed into the embryo, as also confirmed in the hadiths.
Some claim the "safe abode" in 23:13 refers to the ovum, but this contradicts 77:22, where “for a known term” only makes sense for the womb. Fertilization involves a single sperm, not semen, and no actual mixing of male and female fluids occurs. The Quran states this "mixture" is placed in the womb, yet fertilization happens in the fallopian tube. The verse then jumps to embryonic development, wrongly implying fertilization occurs in the womb—a clear scientific error.Then quran claims it turns into a lump of flesh. Then the lump turns into bones and then the bones get clothed with flesh.
In modern embryology, there is no phase in which the embryo first develops fully formed bones before other tissues and there is no phase in which the bones are exposed and overlaid with flesh; rather, all structures, develop simultaneously from the mesenchyme. Some claim that lump does not completely turn into bones, to cover this verse. Tafsir Ibn Abbas explicitly states, "We turn lump into bones(without flesh)". Even if we accept the baseless claim, it still doesn't justify because some of the bones will have to be exposed to get clothed with flesh which still is scientifically inaccurate.
Some apologetics saw it is impossible to defend this sequential interpretation because in reality the tissues develop simultaneously. To fit it into modern science, they claim the word "fa" which is used in between each stage does not necesseraly mean "then". This is by far the most desperate and ridiculous attempt among all the apologetic claims about this error. First of all "then" meaning is the primary and overwhelming usage of the word. One needs strong contextual reasons to understand otherwise. But the reality is the opposite. So much so that even without the word, the verse still clearly implies sequential stages because each stage is repeated in the next sentence. For example: "Nutfah turns into alaqah, then alaqah is mentioned again as it turns into mudghah, then mudghah is mentioned again as it turns into bones". Also in Lane's Classical Arabic lexicon this verse is used as an example to show that "fa" means "then". Like in every inaccuracy, until the modern times when the error gets noticed, there is no tafsir or translation suggesting otherwise. So, there is no doubt that the verse implies sequential stages. You can see Arabic speakers making fun of this claim in the comments of apologetic videos. I want all muslims who are actually concerned about the truth to understand that this is a perfect example of how apologists who cry about context or language all the time can go out of their way and try everything to explain away an error. The truth is they are the ones who perform every mental gymnastics possible and ignore all the contextual data the minute they need a verse to mean something else.
Видео Quran got basic embryology wrong #islam #quran #jesus канала Unholy Seer
The Quran consistently refers to nutfah (نُطْفَة), meaning a drop of fluid, which in classical Arabic and Islamic tafsirs (e.g., Ibn Kathir, Al-Jalalayn, and al-Tabari) is universally understood as semen.
After the nutfah, the Quran states that it transforms into alaqah, a clot of blood, which is scientifically inaccurate. All classical tafsirs understood alaqah as a literal blood clot and pre-Islamic poetry used the same meaning in similar contexts. It is the primary use according to classical lexicons. Some apologists reinterpret alaqah as leech, trying to align it with modern embryology. Still embryo is very different than leach functionally or biologically. More importantly, there is no justification for abandoning the standard classical Arabic meaning that was universally recognized by early scholars and translators.
Now lets look at the nutfah in the womb. Verses 80:18-19, and 77:20-22 together with 23:13 clearly imply that a small amount of semen is stored in the womb and developed into the embryo, as also confirmed in the hadiths.
Some claim the "safe abode" in 23:13 refers to the ovum, but this contradicts 77:22, where “for a known term” only makes sense for the womb. Fertilization involves a single sperm, not semen, and no actual mixing of male and female fluids occurs. The Quran states this "mixture" is placed in the womb, yet fertilization happens in the fallopian tube. The verse then jumps to embryonic development, wrongly implying fertilization occurs in the womb—a clear scientific error.Then quran claims it turns into a lump of flesh. Then the lump turns into bones and then the bones get clothed with flesh.
In modern embryology, there is no phase in which the embryo first develops fully formed bones before other tissues and there is no phase in which the bones are exposed and overlaid with flesh; rather, all structures, develop simultaneously from the mesenchyme. Some claim that lump does not completely turn into bones, to cover this verse. Tafsir Ibn Abbas explicitly states, "We turn lump into bones(without flesh)". Even if we accept the baseless claim, it still doesn't justify because some of the bones will have to be exposed to get clothed with flesh which still is scientifically inaccurate.
Some apologetics saw it is impossible to defend this sequential interpretation because in reality the tissues develop simultaneously. To fit it into modern science, they claim the word "fa" which is used in between each stage does not necesseraly mean "then". This is by far the most desperate and ridiculous attempt among all the apologetic claims about this error. First of all "then" meaning is the primary and overwhelming usage of the word. One needs strong contextual reasons to understand otherwise. But the reality is the opposite. So much so that even without the word, the verse still clearly implies sequential stages because each stage is repeated in the next sentence. For example: "Nutfah turns into alaqah, then alaqah is mentioned again as it turns into mudghah, then mudghah is mentioned again as it turns into bones". Also in Lane's Classical Arabic lexicon this verse is used as an example to show that "fa" means "then". Like in every inaccuracy, until the modern times when the error gets noticed, there is no tafsir or translation suggesting otherwise. So, there is no doubt that the verse implies sequential stages. You can see Arabic speakers making fun of this claim in the comments of apologetic videos. I want all muslims who are actually concerned about the truth to understand that this is a perfect example of how apologists who cry about context or language all the time can go out of their way and try everything to explain away an error. The truth is they are the ones who perform every mental gymnastics possible and ignore all the contextual data the minute they need a verse to mean something else.
Видео Quran got basic embryology wrong #islam #quran #jesus канала Unholy Seer
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