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Will no contact make him move on? Will he forget about me?

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“Will No Contact Make Him Move On? Will He Forget About Me?”

Will No Contact Make Him Move On?

The “no contact” rule is a concept that I first published many years ago, and is widely misunderstood.

Right up front I’m going to tell you that guys don’t just FORGET about you. We men are very heartfelt – just as much as you are. (Though you’d be right in thinking he tries to not show it.)

So it’s only natural to ask “how to stay in my ex’s thoughts?” or “will my ex forget me in no contact?”

Ever since I first published the “no contact rule” in my book years ago, this trick been hijacked and distorted quite a bit.

What is the No Contact rule? And Will No Contact Make Him Move On or Lose Interest?

Simply stated, the No Contact Rule is used during a break-up or a “Time out” in a relationship. Where you and he have decided to take a break from the relationship or things have ended.

During this time, women often feel an impulse or urge to “check in” or reconnect with him. And the No Contact rule is just that – telling you to NOT contact him for a while (usually at least a few weeks) while he gets his head straight.

WHY The No Contact Rule?

Well, we use this rule so that you don’t scare him back off again. If you show up at his house 3 days after you decided to take your break, he’s going to feel that you’re being pushy and insecure.

And he’d probably be right!

The key to getting your ex back is that you have to give him MORE space than he actually wants right now.

What you’re doing is setting things up to return to the relationship later. Because the only way this guy is going to want to come back into your lovin’ arms is if he sees you differently after your No Contact break. He has to see a change in you.

You’re letting him cool off a bit. If he broke up with you, or asked for a break, he’s feeling very activated. You need to give him a chance to chill out.

You’re raising his “response potential.” By building up some anticipation in him, he’s going to be much more responsive to you when the time comes.

He has to feel your absence. Directly related to #2 is the fact that every day you’re NOT around you, his emotions and memories will keep nagging at him that something’s missing. And that something is YOU.

Frankly, most people don’t understand how to use the “No Contact Rule” in the right way. It’s not that you just cut him off and hope he comes running (or crawling) back to you.

You have to know HOW to do it in the right way.

But first, let’s dive into this fear and destroy it once and for all:

INSIGHT: Why do you think he’ll forget you or move on without you?

This feeling comes from a very normal place in all of us that we don’t like to admit exists. It’s the scared little kid part of us that fears being abandoned and lost.

I also call this the “What about ME?” part of our thinking and feelings. It’s that child’s voice inside us trying to get out.

No one likes the idea of being forgotten or ignored. It just plain sucks to think about.

BUT – the reality is that our fear will always make us think that we are somehow inadequate if we listen to what it’s saying. Be real, fear never tells you you’re awesome, you deserve to have everything you want, etc.

Fear’s job is to make you feel small and unworthy. It brings up your insecurities and then tells you to look them over in detail.

FEAR: “Hey, you know he’s probably already dating someone else.”

And when we listen to this insecure voice, we are doomed. Because not only is it lying to us, it’s saying it in words that almost sound believable.

Don’t let the voice of insecurity push you into needy behaviors that scare him off.

So will no contact make him move on? Will he forget about you?”

The No Contact rule works – but only if you’re being truthful with yourself about where you are in the relationship right before it ...

Get the rest of the info in the video!
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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
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Will no contact make him move on? will he forget about me?

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6 февраля 2019 г. 20:00:04