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Gaita de Xan de Campañó (madeira 1420-1450 AD, 500 anos de uso)

Partindo da idea de que os dedos ao tocar desgastan a madeira que rodea aos furados dun punteiro, dende hai seis anos levamos desenvolvendo un proxecto de investigación que intenta datar os instrumentos polo seu desgaste dixital. Despois de medir 144 punteiros de todo o noroeste, de moitos experimentos e de moita análise estatística coa axuda do matemático Iván Area, conseguimos desenvolver un modelo matemático que calcula un tempo de uso para un punteiro en base aos seus desgastes dixitais. Posto que isto non era máis que un modelo, decidimos comprobar se as predicións que facía eran certas, así que escollemos os punteiros que o modelo daba como máis antigos e datamos as súas madeiras coa técnica do carbono 14. As datacións do 14C confirmaron tódalas predicións do modelo.
A conclusión máis sorprendente é que temos gaitas no noroeste que levan sendo usadas ininterrompidamente dende finais da Idade Media, por exemplo, a madeira do punteiro da gaita de Xan de Campañó, (que podedes escoitar aquí) foi datada polo 14C entre 1420 e 1450, mentres que o modelo dálle un mínimo de 490 anos de uso. Pero achamos punteiros con madeiras mortas dende o século XV ata o XVIII, todos en uso continuado dende entón!
Tes máis información na nosa web: https://pablocarpintero.es

Starting from the idea that fingers wear the wood surrounding the holes of a bagpipe chanter when playing, for six years we have been developing a project that tries to find out whether is possible to date chantera by their wear. After measuring 144 old chanters from all Northwest, and after conducting many experiments and a lot of statistical analysis with the help of mathematician Iván Area, we managed to develop a mathematical model which calculates the time of use of a chanter by its wear. Since this was just a model, we decided to verify whether the predictions it made were accurate, so, we selected the pointers that the model gave as the oldest and then dated their wood with the carbon 14-AMS technique. If you look closely, the modelgives a minimum age for the instrument (time of use) whilst 14C gives a maximum age, that of the death of the wood with which the instrument was built. The 14C datations confirmed all the model predictions and, since it was validated, we are now able to know quite precisely how long a chanter was used just by using a caliper and a fairly simple algorithm, and this will allow us to write the history of our instrument with an almost uncanny accuracy.
The most surprising conclusion is that we have bagpipes in the Iberian peninsule’s northwest which have been continuously used since the Middle Ages. For example, the wood of the Xan de Campañó bagpipe chanter (you can hear it in this video) was 14C dated between 1420 and 1450, whilst the model calculates some minimum 490 years of use. We have 14C dated chanters from the 15th to the 18th century, all in continuous use ever since!
You have more information regarding the subject on our website:

Видео Gaita de Xan de Campañó (madeira 1420-1450 AD, 500 anos de uso) канала Pablo Carpintero
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21 апреля 2022 г. 10:34:57