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Hip Fracture in the Elderly without Operation . How to Care and Save . ADDITION ↓

It is considered in detail what to do with Hip Fracture in the Elderly and Senile , when Surgery is impossible . ADDITION ↓   
1. THE MOST DANGEROUS is PNEUMONIA - it can imperceptibly begin even after several days of lying down. In the elderly, the only reliable early symptom is increased breathing more than normal. Unfortunately, low-toxic antibiotics (Ampicillin injection , Amoxicillin) are gradually losing their effectiveness and doctors are increasingly prescribing stronger and more toxic antibiotics, often causing serious complications in the elderly, so do not rely on antibiotics, but follow the recommendations in internet for PREVENTION OF PNEUMONIA,
 a) do not use CHEMICAL SLEEPING PILLS - they slow down the movement of the cilia of the bronchial epithelium, causing the accumulation of sputum. ONLY natural - Valerian, Lemon balm (Melissa) , motherwort (Herba Leonuri). Antiallergic CLEMASTIN (Tavegyl) has a strong side hypnotic effect
 b) daily for 10 minutes sterilize the room with a quartz (ultraviolet) lamp (but direct UV rays should not fall on the patient), wet cleaning and garbage removal
 c) in the whole days (not nights) every 2-3 hours, turn the patient to reduce stagnation in the lungs and sit up or stand as often as possible
 d) DO NOT allow breathing through the mouth
 d) Air humidity should be 50-60% (how to accurately measure it -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14Q3-VtVDAI ) . Temperature 20-24 "C, it is better to ventilate continuously (leaky windows), but MUCH BETTER to install a HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATION UNIT in the kitchen, for example, ECO - FRESH 01 LUX (reliable, powerful, inevitably noisy, with an ionizer (!) and air heater (!)
 f) breathing exercises - arms up (inhale), arms down (exhale) . 5-10 times 5 times a day, blow air through the tube into the water (10 cm tube immersion depth and deep breaths, 2 min. 8-10 times / day), vibration massage - beat with the palm and fingertips on the chest and back without affecting the heart and backbone for 3-5 minutes several times a day
 g) to sterilize the mouth by rinsing with tincture of valerian, lemon balm, motherwort - this will reduce the risk of aspiration way of the PNEUMONIA. Clean hands and a sterile mouth should also be available to those who cook and sample food. Scald fruit
 h) relatives often bring the infection from public places - this possibility should be excluded (use FFP2 mask-respirator , better FFP3 , with back-valve for easy breathing )
 i) food should NEVER be cool
2. Diet.
Falls are often a sign of brain changes, it is easier to suspend them at the beginning - by a diet. Foods are best all from the village - no chemistry. Rinse cereals to remove preservatives. Vegetables. Boiled sea fish. Egg every other day. Unsprayed apples. Wild berries (especially blueberries). Forest honey. Cottage cheese . Yogurt. All dietary supplements are harmful ! Get vitamins from natural products . Limit medications (control pressure by limiting salt, diabetes with a low-carb diet, etc.). Avoid acute, very fatty and fried - this leads to irritable bowel syndrome (alternating constipation and diarrhea). Versatile with gastrointestinal disturbances, is herb of St.John's-wort (HYPERICUM PERFORATUM) - (2-3 teaspoons per glass of water, boil for 0.5-1 min., Insist 3 hours, drink 1/3 glass. Half an hour before meals 3 times / day. ) .
If need a large dose of Frangula bark , buckthorn (FRANGULAE CORTEX) for constipation, it is better not to give it immediately, but for 2-3 doses per day in small portions ( may be with sugar). According to prof. Leonard Jacobs, Frangula bark is not addictive and has a regulatory effect - an enema is not needed or its use will be minimal.
BUT if the maximum dose of Frangula Bark (3 table-spoons for a glass of water) does not help with constipation , reduce the dose to 1 sp. and add 7-10 gr. of FORLAX powder in chilled broth.
OAK BARK ( of young branches ) cures diarrhea and intestinal bleeding.
3. How to sit up a patient without pain:
The assistant grabs both legs by the knees with one hand, takes the patient by the hand closer to the shoulder (or behind the back) with the other and slowly raises, making sure that the position of the legs in relation to the body does not change. Laying the patient is the same, but the patient must hold hands together.
4. How to use walkers - https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Alberta/Pages/hip-fracture-mobility.aspx
or https://travm.info/rekomendacii/vspomogatelnye/hodunki-pri-perelome-shejki-bedra-134 .
If the broken leg is shorter , it must compensate the higher shoe
5. Ointment with Propolis and Calendula (Marigold) extract (on a natural basis) is irreplaceable for diaper rash and pain under the diaper.
6. Up to six months or longer with WEATHER CHANGE, there may be severe pain for several hours, chemical painkillers are not necessary (they will not have time to act, they will only poison)
7., 8., see comment ↓

Видео Hip Fracture in the Elderly without Operation . How to Care and Save . ADDITION ↓ канала Lauras
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