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Karliene - The Lady of the Lake

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The Lady of the Lake
Written by Karliene Reynolds 2023
Mixed by Nick Dawes https://www.mixing-mastering-online.com/


In times of old, when man was young
Our world was filled with faerie song
And in the crystal lake, so blue
There lived a lady fair and true

For worthy men, she gave the sword
Till worthy men grew vain and proud
Cut all the trees and paved the heath
Broke take round and crowned the fiend

Lady Nimue
Lady of the Lake
We have lost our way
Gone are the voices of the Fae
Gone are the voices of the Fae

For worthy men, she gave the sword
Till no soul, she deemed worthy of
For we all serve the dark machine
We bow to lies and tyranny

Guardian of the sword
No soul worthy of
Kings of cruelty sway
Hear us Nimue
Hear us Nimue

Lady Nimue
Lady of the Lake
We have lost our way
Gone are the voices of the Fae
Gone are the voices of the Fae

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