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Fooled by salt...or a nipple? Mario Lopez on Penn & Teller Fool Us!

Do you remember the cigarette guy?? He’s back!!

Can he fool Penn and Teller with a salt trick or with a nipple trick?? Watch what Mario López does on Penn & Teller: Fool Us!

“Mario López, one of the most devilish Wizards.
Pioneer of the “New Wave of Spanish Magic” where Body, Heart and Eyes walk besides Brain, Hands and Smile.
Fresh attitude (from his breve happiness) together with constant work (from his passion to everything he accomplishes) lead to his organic art.
Mario is The Art Of Magic as we have always dreamt!“

Видео Fooled by salt...or a nipple? Mario Lopez on Penn & Teller Fool Us! канала Mario López
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18 августа 2020 г. 7:54:41