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The Priority of Knowing Jesus

Is knowing Jesus Christ the highest priority in your life? Today we’re gonna continue our study in Philippians chapter 3.
Hey guys we’re back for another exciting study in the book of Philippians chapter 3. If you missed the first three videos in this series I encourage you to go back and check those out.
1. Paul’s Warning – 1-3
a. Paul begins this chapter with a stern warning to his readers to “watch out for those dogs.” So who is he calling “dogs” and who is he warning his gentile readers. So, understand that when Paul wrote this letter there was this group of Jewish Christians who were following Paul around and teaching Gentiles that in order for them to be saved they had to be circumcised first and obey all of the Jewish laws AND believe in Christ and only then will they be saved.
b. So Paul warns them and says, “Don’t listen to what they say. You can’t do anything to earn your salvation
c. So Paul says, “If you think that external achievements and success can bring you into a relationship with Jesus let me prove it to you by showing you
d. These guys placed a high emphasis on religious effort and strict adherence to a code of laws.
e. LESSON: Know the truth well enough to discern truth from error.
2. Paul’s Testimony – 4-6
a. There is nothing outward that we can do that can bring us into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Let me prove it to you…
b. They took so much spiritual pride in their religious pedigree that it forced Paul to rattle off his resume of achievements.
c. I was circumcised on the 8th day – In other words I had godly parents who obeyed God.
d. People of Israel – I’m a member of God’s chosen people
e. Tribe of Benjamin – that was one of the bigger tribes
f. Hebrew of Hebrews – I’m 100% Jewish not mixed with anything
g. Pharisee – The highest religious group of Jews. They knew the OT backwards and forwards and took pride in how perfectly they obeyed it.
h. Righteousness, flawless – Paul says, “there has NEVER been a even a blemish on my record.” Meaning either I obey the law perfectly or when I don’t I immediately get the right lamb, pigeon, dove or goat to atone for my sins.
i. But in verse 7 Paul describes his transformation. He says, “But these assets I have come to regard as liabilities
j. So in other words Paul says, “I’ve lived my entire life thinking that all of these accomplishments and advantages were gaining me favor and earning me points in God’s economy and now I have to revise my balance sheets because everything I thought was earning me points in God’s economy actually served to keep me further away from the goal of knowing Jesus Christ.
k. LESSON: No amount of external success can replace intimacy with God. You can obey the bible, give money to the church, serve in ministry every night of the week, go to seminary and fill your head with a whole lot of theological knowledge and NONE of this replaces intimate time with Jesus.

3. Paul’s Pursuit – 7-11
a. PERSON – Paul says, “I don’t just want to know about Jesus. I don’t want to sound like I know Him by quoting scriptures and a bunch of Christian clichés. I want to know Him intimately, which means both intellectually and experientially.
b. POWER – I want to experience that same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead to be flowing through me. That power is strong enough to resist temptation, break strongholds and addictions in my life, empower me to share my faith when I’m afraid and don’t know what to say and empower me to use my gifts when I feel the weakest and most inadequate.
c. PAIN – I’m even willing to know His pain if that will enable me to be more acquainted with who Jesus is and what He’s done for me. Most of us aren’t willing to pray that prayer.
d. And then Paul goes on to finish by saying that he has not yet attained the intimacy with God that he desires but he presses forward every day to know Jesus more and more.
e. LESSON: Intimacy with God is a lifelong journey and should be our greatest priority. It should be more important than our careers, our families and even our ministries.

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10 сентября 2016 г. 0:30:49