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3 ways to Attract a Specific Person (or Ex) into your life using the law of attraction

"Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. In this video, I'm going to be showing you how to attract a specific person into your life, or to get an ex back in your life. With this video, I was asked literally probably four or five different comments and different YouTube, plus messages on Instagram and Facebook this same question. How do we attract an ex back into our life, and I figured the easiest way to answer this would be via video, so here we are. I'm going to be taking you on a journey of understanding three main concepts behind this principle of what we must do, how we must go about this, in order to open up the probabilities of us being with someone in that way. First off, realize that coming here, you may have expected me to give you some technique, maybe some type of something that you do that makes it so that person wants to be with you, but realize this is more about understanding that this about who we become. Depending on who we are being, that is what we are attracting in our life.
"It's nothing specific that you're going to do. It's more about the energy underneath the doing that's going to then become magnetic, or become something that then attracts someone specific into your life. Knowing that, this is my saying I say all the time, or it's a very common saying, but you don't attract what you want, but you attract who you are. This also works for relationships. The first part I want to give to you is understanding how we must be in our own movie. Any time we're asking this question, we're automatically coming from the frame of us trying to become a part of someone else's movie, especially if it's someone specific. The idea is that we are putting this person on a pedestal, and we're doing everything we can to get them into our life. We're trying to get into their reality, into their movie, and bring them into ours.
"The more powerful part of this is understanding that when we do that, we put ourselves at the effect rather than being at the cause, so understanding this, it's more about us being at the cause rather than the effect, us being the star of our own movie, not trying to be a cameo in someone else's. The power of this is that when we begin to live in the authentic expression of who we are, when we begin to act in that energy state, there's something very magnetic about it, and it becomes a bit of a paradox. When we're doing what we're passionate about, it's like we attract others who are resonating with that, and we may find that if we start to act on our passions, if we start to become this best version of ourself, if we start to focus on ourselves and knowing that we're already 100% whole and complete, there's more likelihood that from that energy state, we will attract other people that also resonate with it. We may find out that that original ex that we wanted back into our life doesn't actually even resonate.
"I'm not saying that's going to happen, but it could be something that does happen, because who they liked, the ex, was more likely the person that you were. When you start to become the best version of yourself, when you start to not live at the effect but you live at the cause, you have more of an ability to hold your own frame of reality. When you hold your own frame, doesn't mean you're egotistically going around and kind of demanding what happens, but when you're grounded in yourself, there's something that's very powerful about it, and you then become less reactive to other people, and that makes you more attractive, and that makes you more your actual self. The second tip that I want to give for you is understanding how to put yourself in the right energy state, and this is about understanding how we must condition ourselves to become that which we prefer, to then attract that which we want. As the most powerful technique that I have for this is being able to ...
"When you go to bed at night, the last 20 minutes before you sleep, when you're drifting off, is the most powerful time that you have to condition your subconscious mind. When you start to go to bed, you're going from a beta brainwave activity, to an alpha, to a beta, to a delta, and that is closer to influencing the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind speaks in the language of feeling, so if we learn to feel the feeling of what it would be like to be with that perfect version or that perfect person that we want to be, or even a specific person, we can imagine what it would be like to look into that person's eyes, what it would be like to go out with that person, to confide trust in that person, to spend time with that person. As we begin to do this, and we begin to more importantly then see it than think it, as we begin to feel...

Intro Song 10K Special by Panthurr
This video is about 3 ways to Attract a Specific Person (or Ex) into your life using the Law of Attraction

Видео 3 ways to Attract a Specific Person (or Ex) into your life using the law of attraction канала Aaron Doughty
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6 марта 2017 г. 23:30:01
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