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Rumors About Musicians That Turned Out To Be True

When a musician is on top of the world, all kinds of rumors and crazy stories go around about them, and it’s fair to assume that many are, at the very least, an exaggerated version of events. However, it turns out that there are a few famous rumors about popular musicians that are completely true, despite how ridiculous they sound.

From the time the Beach Boys recorded a song written by one of the 20th century’s most infamous monsters to the heartwarming story about Billy Joel and his fans, let’s take a look at some rumors about musicians that turned out to be true.

#Rumors #Musicians #Bands

The Beach Boys and Charles Manson | 0:00
Rihanna and Wall Street | 1:14
Kanye's car accident | 2:26
Billy Joel and "real fans" | 3:53
The "good side" of divas | 4:54
Door-to-door Prince | 6:04
Tupac's ashes | 7:34
Elvis's insults | 8:55

Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/149905/musician-rumors-that-turned-out-to-be-true/

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