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RUSH - Losing It - Multicam Edit - The Forum - 8/1/15

RUSH live on the last night of the R40 tour, performing the very rare song Losing It. This was only the 4th or 5th time this song has ever been played live. The concert was at The Forum in Los Angeles on Aug 1st, 2015.

Violin performed by Jonathan Dinklage

Multicam edit by Bucksawz

A big thank you to everyone who shot footage used in this edit!
On camera: Bucksawz, Cal Vid, ACELLOFAWARENESS, ACEMANBASSMAN, John Martinetto, Michael sofris, andrewinhb, MickAv8r, Jeff Nelson, Michelle Mathisen, nelsdrums, Nate Barlow, ikepgh

And the biggest thank you of all to RUSH...... Thank you Alex, Geddy and Neil for over 40 years of some of the best music this planet has to offer!

If more footage surfaces that is useful I will update this edit to include it.


Aug 3rd 2015

Видео RUSH - Losing It - Multicam Edit - The Forum - 8/1/15 канала Sound Picture Studio
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3 августа 2015 г. 22:44:07