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XAVC-S Test Footage Sony a6000 35mm f1.8

The a6000 got a recent firmware update to support XAVC-S (containerized in mp4), and I also got a new 35mm lens so decided to throw together a video to test all the new stuff. This was hand held (to test the OSS) and shot with the following settings:

F2.2 (to test Depth of Field and Auto Focus)
24p 50M XAVC-S 1/50 shutter speed
Slow-mo: 60p 50M XAVC-S 1/125 shutter speed
ISO Auto: Min 100 & Max 3200
Sorry if it's a little noisy forgot to turn down max ISO and my kitchen has horrible lighting.
Was color corrected using the new Lumetri Features of Adobe Premiere CC 2015

Song: Kaj. - Journeys

Видео XAVC-S Test Footage Sony a6000 35mm f1.8 канала Low Exposure Productions
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31 июля 2015 г. 11:51:48
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