A.Grechaninov. "The return of "Holy Week"
Film about the life of Russian composer Alexander Grechaninov
А.Гречанинов. "Возвращение "Страстной седмицы"
Фильм о жизни русского композитора Александра Гречанинова
"I am not one of those lucky people whose life path is dotted with roses.
From the very first steps I had to go through a struggle with my father, who did not want me to become a musician.
Then with some of my professors at the conservatory
and later, when I got back on my feet, even then I found almost no support from the big musicians, my contemporaries.
But as the years passed, I became more and more convinced of the truth of my vocation and began to see my life's duty in calling it.
life is in the performance of this duty, but now it has been hard and even very hard.
And at other times so infinitely joyful and happy, which does not often fall to the lot of mortals".
Alexander Grechaninov.
"My life"
Nineteen fifty-one, New York.
Русский вариант фильма - https://youtu.be/WesJVhcu0bM
Видео A.Grechaninov. "The return of "Holy Week" канала Владимир Гречанинов
А.Гречанинов. "Возвращение "Страстной седмицы"
Фильм о жизни русского композитора Александра Гречанинова
"I am not one of those lucky people whose life path is dotted with roses.
From the very first steps I had to go through a struggle with my father, who did not want me to become a musician.
Then with some of my professors at the conservatory
and later, when I got back on my feet, even then I found almost no support from the big musicians, my contemporaries.
But as the years passed, I became more and more convinced of the truth of my vocation and began to see my life's duty in calling it.
life is in the performance of this duty, but now it has been hard and even very hard.
And at other times so infinitely joyful and happy, which does not often fall to the lot of mortals".
Alexander Grechaninov.
"My life"
Nineteen fifty-one, New York.
Русский вариант фильма - https://youtu.be/WesJVhcu0bM
Видео A.Grechaninov. "The return of "Holy Week" канала Владимир Гречанинов
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27 апреля 2023 г. 0:49:03
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