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The Laundry System that Changed My Life! (Minimalist Laundry Routine)

Laundry used to be such a pain in our house! Piles EVERYWHERE! But not anymore! We've found a laundry system that works for us and practically runs itself. There was one BIG change we had to make to our laundry routine-- and that probably accounts for 90% of the success!

E M P O W E R E D G O O D S G I V E A W A Y :
Find the posts on Instagram or Facebook to enter!

🖤 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/minimalmom/
🖤 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/the.minimal.mom/

or shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/empoweredgoods

D E C L U T T E R I N G M E M B E R S H I P G R O U P :

Looking for support on the decluttering, simplifying & minimizing journey? Need some extra encouragement to reach your goals?? This might be for you!!

Full details here: https://www.ithinkwecouldbefriends.com/2020/09/28/minimal-mom-private-group/

P R O D U C T S S H O W N :

Molly's Suds https://amzn.to/33eqq97
Drying Rack https://amzn.to/3jg0bob

C U R R E N T L Y R E A D I N G :
"Get Your Life Back" by John Eldredge: https://amzn.to/32M6I4k

Favorite Decluttering Book "Decluttering at the Speed of Life" by Dana White (A Slob Comes Clean): https://amzn.to/3cgHSNh

LISTEN FOR FREE ON AUDIBLE: https://amzn.to/2ItCr2f

M O S T P O P U L A R O N O U R B L O G R I G H T N O W :

Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake: https://cli.re/pumpkin-spice-bundt-cake
Super Easy Peach Cobbler: https://cli.re/peach-cobbler
Transitioning baby from co-sleeping to crib: https://cli.re/co-sleeping-to-crib
DIY Self Watering Herb Garden: https://cli.re/self-watering-herb
BEST Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake: https://cli.re/chocolate-bundt

#laundryroutine #laundrysystem #minimalist

M O S T P O P U L A R V I D E O S R I G H T N O W :

57 Things We No Longer Buy: https://youtu.be/jTX02y0nJBw

How to Declutter WITHOUT Making a Mess: https://youtu.be/7yQqvQ99MVw

FAVORITE Productivity Tip (ever!!): https://youtu.be/bgXA2PE2zzw

Eliminate Paper Clutter Video Part 1: https://youtu.be/wdX-aj9LQ2Y

Organize Paper Clutter Video Part 2: https://youtu.be/sWzboHYxwhk


KITCHEN TOUR : https://youtu.be/mHQQWHuWh0Q

MY MEAL PLANNING SYSTEM VIDEO : https://youtu.be/31ZfV3IzqJs
📺 P O P U L A R R E L A T E D:

Why I became a Minimalist: https://youtu.be/m7IyvfXanFI

The Best Place to Start with Minimalism: https://youtu.be/Gh7UiYnxDzc

What to do when You get STUCK: https://youtu.be/c9YMz-9ZydQ

Video FAQ: https://youtu.be/b-_vat5Pd9I


🛍 Affiliate links:

📷 My Camera (that I LOVE!!): Canon G7X https://amzn.to/2o9hWLi
⌚Watch: (also LOVE ;) Garmin vivoactive 3 (White & Rose Gold) https://amzn.to/2HPGFQr
🖤 Tripod: https://amzn.to/2MMFzHs

Royalty-free music used with permission from the YouTube Creator Studio, Epidemic Sound and purchased from AudioJungle.net

Видео The Laundry System that Changed My Life! (Minimalist Laundry Routine) канала The Minimal Mom
minimalism, family minimalism, minimalist, the minimal mom, the minimalist mom, minimalist home, laundry, laundry tips, laundry system, laundry routine, laundry hacks, simple living
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