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Montreal Floods, Canada extreme floodings in quebec caused by extreme rainfall

Montreal Floods, Canada extreme floodings in quebec caused by extreme rainfall
Canada floods: Montreal declares state of emergency

A state of emergency has been declared in the Canadian city of Montreal due to flooding caused by torrential rains and melting snow.
The measure was declared on Sunday afternoon and will remain in place for 48 hours, city officials said.
Across the province of Quebec, in Canada's east, nearly 1,900 homes have already been flooded across 126 towns and cities, authorities say.
Some 1,200 troops have reportedly been deployed to help evacuate people.
"Our troops are responding quickly and professionally and are already beginning to deliver critical support to Canadians affected by the flooding," Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan said.
The emergency was declared in Montreal after three dikes gave way in the city's north.
The town of Rigaud, west of Montreal, has been particularly hard hit and a state of emergency has also been declared there.
The flooding is not limited to Quebec, and unusually high rainfall has also caused flooding in the province of Ontario.
Lake Ontario has reached a water level not seen since 1993 in southern Ontario, the Canadian Press news agency says.
Warmer temperatures has also caused snow to melt in British Columbia in Canada's west, combining with the rain to cause flooding and mudslides.
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Canada floods,Montreal,Montreal floods,floods,Quebec,state of emergency,Canadian,emergency,rainfall,mudslides,climate change,global warming,torrential rains,melting snow,Inondations au Canada,Montréal,inondations,Québec,état d'urgence,Canadien,urgence,précipitations,glissements de terrain,changement climatique,réchauffement climatique,pluies torrentielles,neige fondante

Видео Montreal Floods, Canada extreme floodings in quebec caused by extreme rainfall канала Cities of the World
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9 мая 2017 г. 0:40:32
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