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Why I enjoyed Shadow of Mordor (Game Review)

My first video game review, hope you guys like it.
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As i sat in my chair looking at my computer screen drinking doritos and eating mountain dew i was googling all kinds of words to find the perfect word to describe the gameplay, and nothing felt right. So fuck it, the gamplay of Shadow of Mordor is fun, it’s addicting and it makes you feel like a god (once you reach a higher level of course). When i was 13, i didn’t know how video game companies worked. I thought a company would make 1 series of games and if they wanted to make another series they would have to change their name (don’t ask me why i thought this was the way things worked, i was a dumb kid back then, i didn’t even know what sperm was until 7th grade). So anyway, when i played Shadow of Mordor at first, I didn’t like it because my first experience with a game published by Warner Brothers that had this combat system was Batman Arkham Asylum and so when i played Shadow of Mordor i eventually stopped playing it because i didn’t want to support a game company that obviously stole batman’s combat system. And so the game faded out of thought and time until some years later when i was 17 and i bought the game of the year edition. I played it for a little while but at that time; battle royale games came out and i hopped on the fortnite and pubg train, so i put the game away for another 2 years. Then when i was 19 and i regained my love of single player games i decided to try it once again and holy shit was i ever glad i decided to do so. I could never get into Batman Arkham City because the game was way too dark, i didn’t like how big the world was because it felt overwhelming, and it just had a general depressing vibe to the game. It’s not to say the Warner Brothers Batman franchise aren’t great games, they just didn’t tickle my fancy the way Shadow of Mordor does. Shadow of Mordor’s gameplay uses a blend of head on in-your-face lemme decapitate you real quick melee combat, a stealth system, and the ranged combat.
One thing i love about Shadow of Mordor is that the upgrade tree--er… trees... actually has useful upgrades. These grant you whole new abilities or build upon previously unlocked upgrades. The amount of upgrades can feel overwhelming at first glance, but quickly get ingrained into your muscle memory after using the abilities. Every upgrade feels helpful and necessary but unfortunately the game doesn’t always explain stuff very well so abilities that i thought were kinda useless actually turn out to be super useful. For example the dagger throw didn’t seem practical, after seeing the pitiful damage it did i thought Celebrimbor was a scam artist for tricking me into buying such a useless ability. But when i was playing the DLC after i beat the base game, i found that its actually a very good counter to shield cunts which really would’ve saved me a headache in the base game. A game like Far Cry will have very situational upgrades that you’ll use only a handful of times, if at all in the entire playthrough. Even Dying Light has a lot of upgrades that are super lame so this game gets bonus points for having good upgrades. Upgrade points like any other game are earned through the collection of XP, XP is earned by completing quests or through the reduction of Mordors population, not too hard when you’re fighting the mentally challenged (retarded uruk). The ranger skill tree focuses on Talions’ abilities and are mostly combat related while the wraith tree focuses on Celebrimbor’s abilities and is a mix of combat and non-combat abilities. Upgrade tiers are locked and can only be unlocked after gaining a certain amount of power points or PP. You can obtain PP by completing main missions, killing chieftains, or looking like this. Although taking the chieftain route takes a while since they’re harder to kill in early game and they don’t always give a nice chunk of power points, so it’s a nice way of deterring the player from going on a chieftain grind and becoming overpowered way too early, and if you’re thinking about going on a chieftain grind, don’t. Because if you become too powerful too early then there’s nothing to work towards besides beating the game, and you don’t play Shadow of Mordor for the story so do yourself a favor and slow down. Speaking of that the amount of XP and PP you need also increases with each level so again it’ll be a huge grind, take your time. There’s also the attributes skill tree where you can upgrade your health, focus, elf-shot, and rune

Видео Why I enjoyed Shadow of Mordor (Game Review) канала Rocambasco
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19 декабря 2020 г. 9:16:36