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The Ribs, Salvation, and DNA Knowledge

In this study, I will show you a unique perspective of the human body, specifically the ribs, and how it relates to the Old and New Testament, the body of Jesus Christ, and DNA knowledge. Consider this, have you ever asked why did God use twelve tribes, and why are there twenty-four elders mentioned in the book of Revelation? Furthermore, where do both Eve and the church originate from when looking at the human body? And how does all of this relate to DNA?

Let me start with a question. Who was God referring to when He promised Abraham that in “thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, Genesis 22:18? Who is this seed? The answer is Jesus Christ, explaining why we find the phrase “thy seed” in forty-six chapters of the Bible. Jesus Christ chose the twelve sons of Jacob to make up the twelve tribes of Israel in the Old Testament. The same chosen people given the law and the same line that would bring forth the Saviour, born under the law to fulfill the law.
Galatians 4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, I think you will find it fascinating that the list of Jacob’s sons is in the forty-six chapter of Genesis.

But let us look further into the law for a moment since it relates to our topic at hand. Jesus Christ, made under the law, fulfilled the law through his flesh. We find the phrase "The Law," 23 times in the New Testament, and the word "Law" 46 times in the King James Bible. Why are these numbers significant? Twenty-three is the number of chromosomes from both a father and mother totaling forty-six. Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, John 1:14 fulfilled the requirements of the law that was against us. To be born again, one must believe the gospel. The Word is the seed that makes one born again.

(Ephesians 2:15) "Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;"

How does this relate to twelve pairs of ribs? Your ribs contain two pairs, and so does the Bible. Just like the ribs, the Bible includes both the Old and the New Testament. The ribs symbolize Israel's twelve tribes on one side, Old Testament, and the twelve apostles on the other side, New Testament. Together they make twenty-four, the same number of elders found in the book of Revelation. Not only is the body created around the salvation plan, but the New Jerusalem is patterned after the ribs as well. Why because it symbolizes what Christ accomplished in His body at the cross. He fulfilled the law that came through the twelve tribes, and His message to the world started with the twelve apostles. Consider these three references for the structure of the New Jerusalem found in Revelation.
consider the following:
• 12 foundations named after the 12 apostles Rev 21:14
• Israel's 12 tribes names on the gates of the new Jerusalem Rev 21:12
• Size of the new Jerusalem is 12,000 furlongs.

Now that you see the significance of twelve pairs of ribs and how it relates to salvation, let me point out the symbolism of the two brides mentioned in Scripture. The Bible cites two Adam's. The first was earthy the other spiritual, 1 Corinthians 15:45. Eve came from the rib of the first Adam, and the bride of Christ, the Church, from the Comforter released after the sacrifice Jesus Christ made at the cross. But think for a moment, where was the last piercing Christ received? It was in the ribs by a spear. Let me say it once more, the bride of the church age comes from the side of Christ where He received the last piercing on the cross.

Your own body gives testimony of the Creator. With this new understanding, let me ask you what are you doing with the time given to you because your body is not the only witness there is, consider this. We live day by day and year by year for His glory. Is it any coincidence that there are twelve hours in a day the Bible says John 11:9? Or twelve months in a year. Today is a gift; that is why it is called the present. Use it to bring Him glory. I will leave you with this fantastic Scripture found in Revelation dealing with the Twelve types of fruit on the Tree of Life that contains 46 words for DNA:

(Revelation 22:2) "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

Видео The Ribs, Salvation, and DNA Knowledge канала Digging In 2 Truth
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1 августа 2020 г. 1:19:19