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The Invisible Predator, Fallen Angels, People Missing in the National Parks. Underground bases.

Is it possible that adults & children visiting National Parks, forests and woods, are allowed to become ‘prey’ or ‘sacrifices’ to the ‘powers and principalities’ that reign over this land? Years ago, Carol Hull contacted me: "As an infant, I was subjected to MK Ultra Monarch programming– Alpha, Beta, Marrionette (Doll) Programming. My situation was different to the ‘super-soldier’ programs, since my handler & minders were inter-dimensional non-human entities – Fallen Angels & demons with The Dragon impersonating the spirit of God. Fallen Angels; manifesting in orbs, demonic cryptids, & fake UFO’s. The thief cometh not but for to steal and kill, but that they might have life. When placing my UFO stories online, my phone line was tapped, & my website visited over a period of weeks, by people in the Government & an investigative agency in D.C. My car was swooped on by a military helicopter, which also made low swoops over my cottage." People, many children, have gone missing in the National Parks around the world, under supposed inexplicable circumstances. "It is a known but little publicized fact that the name of Jesus stops all supernatural deception & abductions: whether it be fake UFO or MILAB, shadow men or fairies, bigfoot or dogman. We are engaged in a spiritual war that is clearly recognised by the enemy. There are rules of engagement, things the enemy –deadly adversaries who desire our eternal destruction – are not allowed to do in the name of Jesus. A fallen Angel once said to me, “Soon it will be time to harvest.” In order to understand what is happening in the missing cases, we need to be aware that the greater reality is a spiritual reality, unseen by human eyes. This list is for the reader to gain a better understanding of the motivations of the supernatural perpetrators in the missing cases….Motivation: their malice toward humans. During a Fallen Angel attack, your environment may appear different; hallucinations, holograms, augmented reality, fake alien/fairy or MILAB. Motivation; a desire to mislead, confuse, disorient, as in getting lost, mind control, altered states of consciousness, false visions, trances states. A desire to dominate; control, degrade, humiliate humans. A desire to physically hurt humans; injure, cause death, disfigure, maim, mutilate whilst still alive like the cattle mutilations, or crushed, burnt, cut, decapitated, dismembered, blood extracted, torn apart.” All things that appear to happen to those who vanish in the woods and go missing in the national parks. The Fallen Angels, "have a desire to lead, lure, chase or herd humans into physical danger so they will physically perish – from dehydration, fatigue, exposure, hypothermia, injury, accident, drowning in a river, swamp or creek, falling off a cliff edge or look-out. A desire to see humans falling; represents the original fall of Lucifer & the fallen angels from heaven. A desire to see humans lifted, hanging, or suspended, represents the spirit being out of body, sacrifice, crucifixion of Christ. A desire to see humans drowning or drowned; goes back to God’s flood & a desire for revenge on the descendants of Noah. A desire to be worshiped as God; this worship requires the person to fall to the ground into a position of submission or subjugation where they are face-down. And, to remove their shoes/or for their shoes to be removed. The ‘Powers & Principalities’ desire to have the due respect shown for their position –to the geographical formations & dimensional vortexes these inter-dimensional spiritual predators reside over. There is symbolic meaning as to why people take off their shoes. In these missing cases –nearly all victims have either one or both shoes missing, along with various articles of clothing; on a practical level, the shoes, coats, are removed so they are more prone to hypothermia, or less likely to run from their abductor – demonic or bigfoot. Or, they may be collected as trophies – The Dragon, a Fallen Angel, once said to me; “All you were was a trophy.” Fallen Angels have utter contempt for human beings, who were created in God’s image. To lose a shoe from a foot in biblical terms is to shame someone. In many missing cases, it is the symbolic transferring of the property from Christ to the Fallen Angels – & in regard to the human soul, & the symbology, it is that the human being is transferring the property of themselves, their souls, to the fallen angel by the removal of the shoe." These spiritual invisible predators want humans to be lost, die of hypothermia, be mutilated, fall off cliffs, drown, & take trophies such as shoes, like inter-dimensional serial killers, for they cannot have what we have – physical bodies & free determination. They wish all to degrade those they envy–the human–to see their victim lost, frightened, hopeless, & broken, dead..

Видео The Invisible Predator, Fallen Angels, People Missing in the National Parks. Underground bases. канала Unexplained Mysteries, with author Steph Young
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14 декабря 2022 г. 20:58:52