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What!? Did you know that Sharks are Older Than Trees? #Shorts #FunFact #animals

Did you know sharks are older than trees? It’s true! Sharks have been swimming in the oceans for around 400 million years, long before trees appeared on Earth about 350 million years ago. That means sharks have been here for 50 million years longer than forests!

Sharks are amazing survivors. They’ve lived through huge disasters that wiped out many other animals, like the dinosaurs. Over time, they’ve evolved into super-efficient hunters. Their skeletons are made of cartilage (the same stuff in your nose and ears), which makes them lighter and faster swimmers. Plus, sharks never run out of teeth—they grow new ones when old ones fall out!

Sharks live all over the world, in shallow waters, deep oceans, and even icy seas. Some, like the Greenland shark, can live for hundreds of years! That makes them some of the oldest animals alive today.

What’s really cool is how sharks have adapted to so many changes over millions of years. They’ve survived five mass extinctions and are still here today, helping keep the oceans healthy. So, when you think of sharks, remember—they’re not just scary predators. They’re ancient, incredible creatures that have seen more of Earth’s history than any tree ever has! #shorts_video #FunFact #sharks, #sharkfacts, #ancientcreatures, #marinebiology, #evolution, #naturefacts, #oceanlife, #sharksareamazing, #underwaterworld, #wildlifeeducation, #marinescience, #sharksrule, #prehistoricanimals, #amazinganimals, #sharkhistory, #oceanfacts, #sharklovers, #naturelovers, #incrediblecreatures, #sharksofinstagram

Видео What!? Did you know that Sharks are Older Than Trees? #Shorts #FunFact #animals канала FunFacts
Shorts, FunFact, sharks, shark facts, ancient creatures, marine biology, evolution, nature facts, ocean life, sharks are amazing, underwater world, wildlife education, marine science, sharks rule, prehistoric creatures, amazing animals, shark history, ocean facts, shark lovers, nature lovers, incredible creatures, sharks of instagram
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