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Roaming Buddha Plantation Festival Celebrations

Roaming Buddha Plantation Festival Celebrations
Support received - ZERO

3 Reasons
2 Countries - Nepal & India
5 Destinations - Lumbini, BodhGaya, Saranath, Kushinagar, Nalanda
3 World Heritage Sites - Lumbini, BodhGaya & Nalanda
1000 Saplings in each destination
An Annual Festival
Lets Celebrate it Across the Globe..!!

Theme: Faith for Environment
Approach : Ecologically Sensitive Cultural Intervention to Fight Climate Change
Participation : A Community Lead Plantation Festival
Occurrence : Annual during rainy seasons across the Globe

By indicating three reasons we are asking the Buddhist Sanghas and disciples to take up plantation during Varsha Vassa / Rainy retreat season by doing a meditative act called sapling plantation.

WORK DONE: Since its inception in August 2016, we have made substantial progress and made people, Monks & Nuns from 49 countries to plant the saplings.

Websites & Face Book Pages are made.


Reason 1 : Buddha likes Gardens, His life is full of Trees and Nature
- Birth is under in Sal tree (Shorea Robusta) in Lumbini Garden
- Enlightenment is under Sacred fig tree (Ficus Religiosa)
- First sermon is in Mrigadava / deer park, Sarnath
- Attained Maha parinirvana under Sal trees (Shorea robusta) &
Siddhartha spent his life in Gardens / Nature with his disciples

Reason 2 : Gifts Heartily Accepted by Buddha are Gardens / Vana..!! Buddha whole heartily used to accept the Gardens as the most preferred gift from his disciples. Not only accepting the gardens, but also he used to reside in them with his disciples.
During his life, he accepted three gardens and resided in them. There after many kings offered Gardens / Aaramas for Buddhism.

- VenuVan, Rajgir is one of such park offered to Buddha by Raja Bimbisara. Here he stayed for 5 vassas, 14 years.
- Jetavana Anathapindika’s Garden, Savatthi - accepted from Anathapindika & Spent 19 vassas
- Ambavana, Vaishali - Accepted from Ambapali

The best way to please Buddha is not to offer him riches but plantation, offer him Vana / gardens by not ignoring any rainy season.

Reason 3 : Vanaropa Sutta (Reference: Tripitaka, Saṃyutta Nikāya)
Deciple asked : Am wasting 1/3 of my life in sleeping - not doing any good deed, not even thinking good for anyone..!!

In whom does merit grow (wisdom/punya) day by day and by night? Who are the people that are well established in the Dhamma? Who are the people that are endowed with morality? Who are the people that are bound for the deva realms?

Buddha said : They who plant orchards and gardens, who plant groves are those whom merit grows day by day and by night. They are the people that are established in the Dhamma, that are endowed with morality and that are bound for the deva realms.

IMPACT: Being the 4th largest faith, World over there are approximately 0.5 Billion Buddhists… If 1% subscribe to this Festival idea, it can give on an average 5 Million saplings & Many Green Jobs to this world ANNUALLY in the form of Nurseries development, Land surveyors, Community Volunteers, Water suppliers during summer season, Dedicated gardeners..!!

- GPS Coordinates would be taken & Provided on Website
- Land mapping will be done
- Biodiversity Planning would be under taken
- Government participation is ensures
- Each Temple would create a continued demand for plantation
Annually 10 Million Tourists visit these World Heritage Sites, is estimated to spread the message and create satellite plantation projects World Over. It will create many testimonials as annual Roaming Buddha Plantation festival celebration.

- U can join the Plantation Festival
- Visit these Three World Heritage Sites
- Get certificate of plantation with GPRS coordinates
- Get oxygen credits certificate for the saplings planted
- Can see your tree till 3 years follow up Photographs
- Stay with the communities we work with
- Get T-Shirts and other materials while with us in India / Nepal
- Celebrate Plantation Festival in Your Country
- Many more as we walk together in this Journey

By planting the first 5000 saplings in 5 destinations this year… By next year end, we wish to reach at least 15 countries world over. We are inviting partners to take this initiative forward.

Budget : Rs 2000 or USD 40 per Sapling Plantation, Fencing and Monitoring - Will create rural employment

WhatsApp @ +91-94900 69000

Видео Roaming Buddha Plantation Festival Celebrations канала Anil G
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10 мая 2017 г. 9:02:00