Tonkor was a BLAST in 2016 #warframegameplay #playwarframe #warframebuilds #warframe
One last upload of my recent obsession with Harrow and Buzlok on the Legendary 4, Mastery Rank 34, test in Warframe. It was actually the first time I beat it with Harrow and Buzlok, before I fine tuned the build.
#warframe #warframegameplay #warframebuilds
Видео Tonkor was a BLAST in 2016 #warframegameplay #playwarframe #warframebuilds #warframe канала Zombie Headz
#warframe #warframegameplay #warframebuilds
Видео Tonkor was a BLAST in 2016 #warframegameplay #playwarframe #warframebuilds #warframe канала Zombie Headz
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16 февраля 2025 г. 21:00:04
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