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Q and A Legend
55-year-old retired national bodybuilder competitor. Stopped everything 20 years ago as far as drugs. Back to training for health. Had my Doctor run all my hormone levels. Total T was 397. Doc thought was good, I laughed. He said, "You’re still big as a house." In your opinion would an HRT CLINIC prescribe to me Test and if so, what would their goal be to get my total test up to? I have never heard this question asked. Example, if 250mg a week takes it to a 1000 total would they cut it back to stabilize at say 800? Does it work like insulin where it’s pretty cut and dry?
Hey doc! I was on TRT and I couldn’t afford it anymore. I thought that maybe I could at least buy it under ground. What are your thoughts about using the underground test, and what are the risks doing it this way. Do you recommend it?
I got a question doc, why is your shbg low?
On cycle I saw a lot of bodybuilder friends of mine who made their wife pregnant, but unfortunately they lost the baby or this one have Downs syndrome. Have you seen that too?
Need an answer on this Ron. Please. Is there a big difference between 2ius of GH a day compared to increasing it to 4 or 6 a day?
Hi George, apart from GH, what do you think former Greek sprinter Konstantinos Kenteris was using? What do you think sprinters today are using?
Is this ok for a 12-week cycle? Test e 250. Mon, Wed, Fri. Tren e 200 Mon, Wed, Fri. Anavar 50. Twice Everyday. Super 50. Everyday. Arimidex
Either Ron or the doctor any ideas about working out in a gym without air condition? Here in Greece we have like 38-39 Celsius it has a sunroof and the sun comes in. It’s hard to even breathe but I can only work out most of the days at that high noon
Best PCT to replenish free testosterone, increase LH & FSH? FYI wouldn't niacin make him insulin resistant?
Reality just punched me in the face. After two months of training break because of the Corona virus, I had an accident after 3 weeks of training, which happened during a mountain bike tour. I had several facial injuries and broke my proceccus spinosus of the 6th cervical vertebraI. The doctors say that I will certainly have to wear a neck brace for 4-6 weeks and then they will see how you can start with a build-up training. Ingenious is that I started my blast in the 3 weeks of training with: 600mg's Test-E and 600mg's EQ. In week 4 I would have added another component. But now it's over and done with! My question to the doc is: Should I go back to TRT with 150mg's Test-E/W or better do a cruise of 250-300 a week to minimize muscle loss? What else could help me speed up my recovery?
I’ve heard the doc suggest the use of lipid/heart protective supplements while on cycle like niacin, red rice yeast, phytosterols, krill oil, resveratrol, policasanol, bergamot, alpha lipoid acid, omega 3’s my question is are all these supplements to be taken daily or every other day or how? Also briefly, at what dosages?
What can be done for water retention on the ankles while on a cycle, more so in the offseason? My kidney and heart function are fine while on cycle, but I get serious water on my ankles. I have noticed that 1mg Arimadex three times makes it a lot better, can it just be the estrogen causing this?
What’s the best way to incorporate deca durabolin cycle in the off season without experiencing erectile dysfunction from “Deca-Dick”? This will be my first deca cycle and I will also be incorporating testosterone cypionate as well. Is there anything you would add to these two compounds to avoid “Deca-Dick”?
What does doc think about the bodybuilders from the golden era? there's so much contradicting data on them. Some say they were using crazy high dosages while others deny it. They usually preach about a very low carb diet and all of them put on muscle on it? Was the potency of the drugs really the differential factor?

Видео HOW TO AVOID GETTING DECA D? | ASK DR TESTOSTERONE EPISODE 70 канала Muscular Development Magazine
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