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Being Your True Nature by Osel Hita & Matteo Passigato

Filmed in France in August 2011, Being Your True Nature introduces a new form of education that enables people of all ages, cultures and traditions to lead a happy and meaningful life and be of service to others.

Being Your True Nature was directed by Osel Hita and Matteo Passigato, and produced by The Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom and FilmPRO. You can read more about it at: www.beingyourtruenature.org

You can watch the film with captions in English, Spanish, French and Italian, just click on the caption button on the player.

Pour regarder le film avec sous titres en français, appuyer le bouton 'caption', et sélectionner 'French'.

Para ver la película con subtítulos en español haga clic en el botón de 'captions' en YouTube y seleccione 'Spanish'.

Per vedere il film con I sottotitoli in italiano cliccate su "captions", il tasto su Youtube e selezionate "Italian".

Видео Being Your True Nature by Osel Hita & Matteo Passigato канала Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom
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13 декабря 2012 г. 22:15:20