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Tensegrity Explained

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Tensegrity (or tensional integrity, or floating compression) is really counterintuitive. These bizarre structures can be explained quite nicely with a 2D version (you know I love to explain things with a 2D versions!).

I found out after uploading that the Lego model is the creation of a YouTuber! Check out their channel: https://youtube.com/c/JKBrickworksVideo

Previous videos where I explain something by making a 2D version:
Heron's fountain: https://youtu.be/D07aJB0Blzw
Pythagorean syphon: https://youtu.be/Cg8KQfaT9xY

The entropy video featuring the stirling engine: https://youtu.be/w2iTCm0xpDc

The video featuring the rope tower: https://youtu.be/a6jJzOc9gaE

Get your own tensegrity tables and Stirling engines from https://stirlingengine.co.uk

All NASA footage is copyright NASA

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Видео Tensegrity Explained канала Steve Mould
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15 января 2021 г. 0:00:01