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Terrorists Steal UN Helicopter

Terrorists have captured a UN Helicopter. A terror group known as “Al Shabab” captured it in Somali and killed a passenger, took 6 others hostage, while two others escaped. The UN helicopter was part of the United Nations Support Office which provides food and fuel to the 19,000 peacekeepers in Somalia. Currently, Somalia is engaged in a brutal war with Al-Shabab after the President vowed to eliminate the group. It’s thought to be one of, if not the most dangerous country in the world. With the State Department telling Americans that if they decide to travel to Somalia - they should draft a will, appoint a family member to negotiate with hostage-takers, and to leave behind DNA samples so it’s possible to identify their body.

Produced by: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
Edited by: Ben Wheeler
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
#unitednations #somalia #usa

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11 января 2024 г. 3:02:09