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Star Wars Opening - Re-imagining (Ft. Altered scenes, sounds & special effects) - T.H.Cooney Art

I've been wanting to do this for a while, my interpretation of the opening scene from Star Wars - Epsiode IV - A New Hope. Anybody who's anybody knows about this epic opening and it's been reinterpreted and honoured countless times, so here's mine!

Star Wars is available the stream on Disney+, to purchase on all other streaming services and wherever movies are sold.

Contains copyright material:

“Star Wars - Episode IV - A New Hope”
(Disney™ & Lucas Arts™)

“Star Wars Opening Theme” & “Empire Attack”
(John Williams)

“Laser Sound Effects, R2D2 Sound Effects”
(Disney™ & Lucas Arts™)

Видео Star Wars Opening - Re-imagining (Ft. Altered scenes, sounds & special effects) - T.H.Cooney Art канала T.H.CooneyArt
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