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معزوفة الأردن - حنين / Hanine The Violinist - Jordan (Live at AAU Jordan)

This beautiful piece of art "Jordan" was first launched and performed live at Al-Ahliyya Amman University (AAU) in Jordan during the graduation ceremony of the higher education Graduate school.

"Jordan" was produced and developed at Arena Media Production House (Arena_clubjo), Composed by Charbel Romanos, and arranged by Voxbox studios and Dory Francis.

.تم أداء معزوفة "الاردن" لاول مرة في جامعة عمان الأهلية في الاردن ضمن حفل تخرج كلية الدراسة العليا

Arena Media Production House :إنتاج شركة
ألحان: شربل رومانوس
و دوري فرنسيس Voxbox Studios :توزيع

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Instagram: haninelalam
Facebook: Hanine El Alam
Tiktok: haninelalam
Email: hanine@haninelalam.com
Mobile/whatsapp: +9613608442

Видео معزوفة الأردن - حنين / Hanine The Violinist - Jordan (Live at AAU Jordan) канала Hanine El Alam
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